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shameless newbie-styled question


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1) You have to have either a wall or a person in front of you, but not as precisely as you do to perfrom the yellow saberstance jump-attack.


2) I press jump at a similar speed as doubleclicking with the mouse and it works for me.


Flip-kicks are only in Multiplayer too. I always forget that.


May the Force (and the flip-kicks) be with you.

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ahhhh yes, I remember when myself had lots of trouble trying to pull off kicking. What you do is:


You can iether walk forward infront of a person and then tap jump TWICE




Sidestep and just jump (will kick easily, no need for double tap)


To perform the double tap, it shouldn't be too fast yet not too slow iether, it's quite difficult to explain but you'll definetly get it someday and when you do - you can't loose it ;)


I'll explain alittle further on the timing of the second jump, just think of it as trying to hit the person's face - as soon as you see your character jump to 2/3-3/4 of the opponents hieght then hit the jump button again. Its probably a very steady tap, just press jump then jump again slowly yet not slow in the sense of taking your time - be very precise.


Cheers ;)


[Edit: or what he said :wstupid::D it mainly takes practice, I hope you figure it out soon enough!!)

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The only thing I think you fail to realize with the sidestepping manuever, is that you have to let go or not use the forward button when you jump/kick. Also, this move works incredibly well right after a DFA when your opponent goes for an easy slash surprise him with a kick while moving sideways and jumping ;)

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