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My Jedi Knight2 keeps crashing on windows 2000, does anyone know the 'cure' for this?



nvidia TNT2 32mb video card

amd athlon800


drivers are downloaded correctly and it doesn't have an exact location of crashing. Should I download the NT-drivers?:confused:

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ok, to make the confusion perfect i'll tell you something...


I've got 3 comps here all running w2k sp2.


1. xp1600+ on an epox 8kha+, 256mb ddr apacer cl2, gf2 ti450 by gainward...jk2 runs perfect with highest possible graphix @ 1280x1024 and det. 29.42


2. pII 400 on an abit bx6 rev. 2.0, 256mb sdram infineon cl2, with 32mb elsa erazor3 tnt2...jk2 never crashed yet allthough it's a bit slow @ 1024x768 and lowest possible graphix and det. 12.41


3. athlon k7 1,333 gig on an asus a7v266, 256mb ddr apacer cl2, with 32mb elsa erazorX (early geforce)...no matter what i tried the sys crashes totally after 5-30 minutes.


tried all vga drivers from original to the latest detonator

tried all possible graphix and resolutions

updated to newest bios

updated to newest 4in1 board drivers

changed ram

changed mouse and keyb. from usb to ps2

changed vga


i don't have no fu***n idea why this a**hole of a computer

crashes continously...


the only thing that's left now is the mobo itself...which is known not to be the best if you have to handle large amounts of data (caused by the early via southbridge...). and know what? the asus was the way most expensive of them



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