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One good reason to play Naboo...


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...is the Royal Crusader. Post-CC, these are very, very effective.


You are going to want all the infantry upgrades (apart from the range ones) to make them effective. Once you've got these, and the Elite upgrade, they're not easy to stop. At all.


Turrets won't do it. The Crusaders are not particularly vulnerable to turret fire, their shields give them staying power, and they received an anti-Turret bonus in CC.


Troops; you'll need numerical superiority. Plus Naboo gets heavy strike mechs.


Heavy strike mechs; these are probably the best answer. However, the Crusader is very nippy now and will keep getting inside minium range.


Assault mechs, mech destroyers, all heavy weapons, cannon: bang. You can have a bunch of cannon sitting beneath a shielded fortress and the Crusaders will still get in, toast the cannon, and get out again. They have a truly formidable reservoir of shields and HPs.


I'm mentioning this really because people are championing the Rebublic over both the Rebels and Naboo, and I wanted to point out that there is a reason to pick the Naboo even if you're not fighting on a water map. Crusaders are sturdy, cheap, quick and can be healed by medics. They are now a real reason to choose the pacifists, despite whatever issues you may have with their questionable system of democratic monarchy :-)

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i tried naboo a bit pre-CC, and i found the crusaders to be horrible. maybe i'll try them again now that they got upgraded. it seems like they would be really good anti-turtle, especially with the turret bonus and the ease at which they could take out defensive cannons.

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I remember pre-CC too. They were so easy to kill, it was ashame. Plus they did less damage and you had to research shielding to give them their shields (which HDD got instantly). Now a group of them act as a tank. They have more hit points than a fully upgrade AT-AT (crusader has 250 hp and shields, think), and they cause more damage than they did before.


One problem, their build time. It's takes forever for one of them guys to come out the fortress. And I could of had some naboo bounties or a quicker cruiser. I have to build multiple fortress whenever I want a crusader army. OH WELL. They may seem to medieval for a starwars battle and their voices may sound a bit robotic, but I still like them now (wish naboo had Adv. mounties to compliment them though).

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I noticed you didn't mention whether there were any improvements with them against air. Any idea if they are able to withstand fighter attacks better than they used to? I've slaughtered many legions of crusaders with groups of fighters (which is another reason I didn't use them much when I played Naboo)...



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Heh any melee unit is meat into a grinder. Had a guy dig into his base after I smashed his army and set up a foward base he had like 5 forts thou :/. And I hadn't gotten HVY weapons or cannons. He tutrled up knowing I had the feild. He used a combo of air curisers under AA towers cover so fighters couldn't get them. He had also caped all the holocorns meaning he had a ton of nova. Thats besdie the piont. before pumping curiser he tried 4 times to break my foward with groups of 20 cursaders I had about 30 FU repeaters it wasn't pretty... 4 charges 80 dead knights.

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The Naboo are ok Post-CC.


I liked the knight pre expansion, and its a lot better now. They are trooper food and don't pack the punch of jedi, but they take forever to kill and are the best land-based weapon against heavies and non-strike mechs. They also fair well against the HDD.


But the Naboo is all support. They lack the meat groups like troops, mechs, and heavies. I guess you could rely on fort units and their strikes coupled with air/jedi, but it isn't as effective as other civs who have strengths in those areas.

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Kryllith: I'm ashamed to say that in fact I don't know what the Crusaders are like now vs. air. The Naboo have, theoretically, some of the best air-to-air capability in the game (though in practice I'm not sure Advanced Engines make that much difference) and so I always support Crusaders with fighters.


Sithmaster: the Naboo does suffer in terms of troops and mechs, though I'd personally tend to classify heavies as support rather than "meat" - especially with their attack vs. mechs nerfed in CC. I don't like any fortress-unit based strategy particularly because of the extra time and resources involved in building multiple forts; however, with the game's best cannons I think it's more viable for the Naboo than for most.


I'm not entirely sure why the Naboo have risen so in my estimation but they are definitely better now. Part of the reason I think is the fact that Jedi now work more effectively as a core component of a force. Another is the Air Cruiser, which though another support unit does act to make air more viable in general. The improved Crusader helps a lot too - they slaughter cannon, artillery, and standard mounted troopers, all of which could otherwise be used to smack down your own cannon. Mech Destroyers are still a threat, of course, since even though they get owned by Crusaders they can use their range to start hitting your cannon before you can get to them.


I have the definite feeling that Naboo are much improved as the net result of a series of small tweaks. Generally speaking, the unit types they do well in - air and Jedi - have moved slightly away from the "support" bracket and towards the middle ground. Perhaps this accounts for my change of heart.


Postscript: I did try a game the other day (against the AI, no less) in which I avoided my usual air and Jedi strategies in favour of a balanced Naboo ground force - strikes, Crusaders, naders etc. Wow, that sucked really hard :-)

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Yeah, the computer's pretty dumb so it didn't do a very good job at providing it's crusaders with air support. I figure a human player would perform much better in this situation. Of course, I was playing the rebels at the time so I was a match for the Naboo air anyway. :)



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Yes, I've beaten it on random map on Hardest (btw, it cheats like crazy on Hardest). The key to beating it on Hardest is surviving to Tech IV. Once you get to this level, the computer is more managable. The trick is being able to get their before the computer overwhelms you.



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The issues I hear about from most people about the Naboo are well founded, but you can over come them. I disagree with most people in saying that the only strong units are their air and jedi. Their heavy weaps are pretty good and I have been very successful using them against other opponents and the AI. I almost exclusively play the naboo and I have gone head to head with each of the civs, in HARD AI I might add, and I have won. Yes there is a struggle, the computer has raped me a few times, but if you learn from your mistakes, you can use the Naboo quite effectively.


I know they are not the stongest, but they are pretty well balanced. There are other civs that are well rounded (the rebels and the confeds) but most of the others are off balance somehow, especially in the jedi arena, which, in IMHO, are very effective units, if used properly.


If you are good enough with the republic or the empire against the computer on HARD AI, I am willing to bet you cannot beat it with the Naboo. THAT is why I use them so much. You need skill and finesse to win with them and if you can master them, then using another civ is a piece of cake.!!!


My two cents, now for Gaming Nuts reply:




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Originally posted by fido4fox

If you are good enough with the republic or the empire against the computer on HARD AI, I am willing to bet you cannot beat it with the Naboo. THAT is why I use them so much. You need skill and finesse to win with them and if you can master them, then using another civ is a piece of cake.!!!


I'll take that bet. :)



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Originally posted by fido4fox

If you are good enough with the republic or the empire against the computer on HARD AI, I am willing to bet you cannot beat it with the Naboo. THAT is why I use them so much. You need skill and finesse to win with them and if you can master them, then using another civ is a piece of cake.!!!



This sounds suspiciously like pre-CC thinking. The Naboo now are, I would contend, very definitely in the top tier. I've played several games with them since the last post and their improved Jedi and airpower makes a lot of difference. Add the Crusader, a monstrously effective counterunit against almost anything ground-based bar troopers and (maybe) strikes, and they've come a long way since their original incarnation as the poor man's civ.

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I've beaten the comp on hardest as Naboo (although it wasnt easy). I also had the largest kill amount Ive ever had in that game, but it was so long. The Naboo is a much more viable option in CC

Originally posted by fido4fox

they are pretty well balanced. There are other civs that are well rounded (the rebels and the confeds)

The rebs and the confeds arent very well rounded, and especially not the naboo. The empire and the gungs are much more multi-faceted.

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I use air quite a bit actually, and naboo's shields/armour/speed boosts make them very effective even against advanced AA units. Heck, even if their air sucked I'd still use; air is excellent for messing up an opponent's economy.



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