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Scout Trooper/ Biker Scout?

Mandalorian iTi

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I'm here, I lost my password so I couldn't post any reply, plus I've benn very busy working on a mod, so forgive for my lac of progress. I still have my model waiting, It's not abandoned, just delayed. But I'm back, so I'll keep sending you screenies Mandalorian. NOt much left to do, just weight the vertexes. I think I can release the model with beta skins, and then improve them with succesive updates. Tell me what do you think about it.

Lots of sorrys, lol.

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Listen up, I don't know if you went to school or what, but It summer in the north, here, in the south is winter, and we have to work. If you take a look at the domain of my email you will discover that I'm from Argentina, a country where working a not looding a job is most important than making cool model. If I was lucky enouhg to born in Europe or the States I would probably be making lots of models.

Yours, CourtoMaltes.

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Ahhhh... the smell of "no one will get the scout model except for those that work with me and my friends"... Sorry, I'm using all my time working on a MOD and making the Dark Troopers that no one will get also.

Bye everyone, too sad this post has been invaded by useless messages.

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Cause I don't hear anything but the complainings of a loo... figure it out. I think the only one who really deserves to get the model is Mandalorian iTi, he is the only one who didn't give up on me. Cheer up man, you're getting the model, then do what most pleases you.



Stop judging people like that, and do something with your life, like learning how to model and skinning something. You could start with your brains.

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I am learning how to model thank you very much! That is what I'm going to school for. I was pissed cause I sick of seeing everyone quiting because of a bunch of morons in these forums. If you truly like modeling than you would still finish you models and share them. **** the idiots that give you problems. I have nothing against you. It just dissapointed me that you were saying screw all of you.

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As I meant to say sorry I came off so harsh. Modeling things from scratch I have along way to go. Im good at making sabers but that is pretty basic stuff. The only thing Im not good at is skinmapping. I have a thread were Im swaping parts around from already exsisting models and Im doing very little modeling so the parts fit together correctly. I've only made five skins so far so my skinning is getting better but not great. Actually I look up to all you modelers cause I cant wait to be as good as all of you. Unfortunately by the time I get good this game will probably be dead and most people will have moved on to something new and better.

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Yikes guys, don't insult someone who is doing you a favor. SithMaster01 Corto's been around a while, he's not a noob, he just hasn't posted in a while. Actually he joined the forums two months before you. He's already done Jango Fett, and if if you actually looked at previous pages you could see that he's done a completely awesome job on the model so far.

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Corot has done a Jango and a Boba, and then updated his Jango again. His work is very good just to add, i have both, jango and boba. i get what u mean by not having much time for modeling, i go to school now, i think i said that already, and i get **** loads of home work and hardly have time to get on the computer.:urpdude:

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