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HELP! Texture on custom map model not showing up in game


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No, I can get custom textures in game just to use in the world, that's not a problem. You just make a folder under your base/textures directory, and slap them in there. What I'm trying to do is get a texture on a custom md3 model that you have to use the misc_model entity for. The model shows up, just no texture. Is the procedure similar to skinning a lightsaber (the *.skin text file)? I've done that before, and had no problem.

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Bevor i get assimilate to work and exported my model to .glm format, i tried it also to export to .md3. Did you tried to load your custom model into the md3viewer? as i remember i needed a .skin file set up and all the textures in the same folder as the md3 model. but i dont kown if you need that for sabers? try it out.

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