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Attack Of The Clones- Total Conversion - The Semi-Official One


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Thanks guys- we do try :)


Yes installments will be best as it will keep you guys going.


I think we will be doing some of the SP levels as general release and mostly MP maps.


Reason being, is that the SP experiance is all going to be threaded up like in JKO, hence why we wont be releasing them one by one.


Any other questions whilst im about??

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Are you going to realese a movie trailer of the tc?


Yes Im doing that now- what format would people like to see this in? In game or in QT/WMP ??


Are you going to change the dynamic mucic to of aotc music?


Yes :)

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QUICKTIME please!!!!!!!!

when are you realesing the movie?

what is the trailer going to show?

show some in game footage singleplayer



Quicktime - OK I see no problem with that.

Realesing- When I have done it

Showing- Bits from in game I hope

Single Player- Maybe- depends on how quickly we move are a$$ into gear to fisnish the models off.

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which one is better milkshape or gmax or is there another one that is better than both of those?


when are you going to update the forums with screenshots or the webpage?


What is the first download you are going to realese?

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Gmax I find easier to use but thats proberly because I use 3dMax a lot.


Forums- We are getting some new shots ready at the moment.


First download is proberly going to be our teaser map, once we have got the new models sorted.



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