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I was wondering if anyone figured out how to get rcon yet. For myself and/or multiple users so me and my clan can have control. I am completely new to this so don't bash on me for my questions. I just need to know how to use the server admin abilities in a game so I can kick/ban etc. Thx.

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Originally posted by comerfo316

I was wondering if anyone figured out how to get rcon yet. For myself and/or multiple users so me and my clan can have control. I am completely new to this so don't bash on me for my questions. I just need to know how to use the server admin abilities in a game so I can kick/ban etc. Thx.

To use rcon, you first need to have an rcon password set in your server config. Something like this:


seta rconpassword "blarg"


Then you can either issue an rcon command using the password each time like so:


/rcon blarg kick Padawan


...or you can set the rcon password once and omit it for the rest of the session like so:


/set rconpassword blarg


/rcon kick Padawan

/rcon map ffa_bespin

/rcon set fraglimit 15


You'll need some type of file level access to the server (direct, telnet, ftp) in order to make the change you need--that or have someone who does have such access make the change.

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