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how to change your SP model


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i know this been asked alot, but since the Admin turned off the search function and i couldnt find it by looking through the previous pages of the fourms, i figured to just ask it again....so how do you change your SP model?? i used to know how but when i changed to the shadowtrooper his saber was always completly sideways, when i used a Fett model his gun and saber stuck out of his ass....gave him a nice tail though


but sreiously, how can i fix this? id like to play through as someone besides kyle...

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it's pretty easy, say you wanted to turn the new darth maul model into kyle in single player.


step one:


place the glm_maul_model.pk3 into your base folder. (note with this model the zip was named mp_maul_model.zip, the pk3 file was named glm_maul_model.pk3)


step two:


use winzip to extract the files from the glm_maul_model.pk3 and place them into an empty folder somewhere. (I've made a spare folder under lucasarts main folder called spmods)


step three:


note how many folders were extracted and how they are packed. with the glm_maul_model.pk3 it extracts with 5 folders named botfiles, models, scripts, shaders, sound.


step four:


the models folder is the one you want to change. click on it and you'll see a folder called players, click on that and you'll see a folder called maul. (there is an aayla folder there but nothing in it so delete it or just ignore it.)


step five:


rename the folder that says 'maul' to 'kyle'. so the folder should now read models/players/kyle instead of models/players/maul.


If you want mauls sound for kyle do the same thing to the sound folder you just did to the models folder. Find the folder that says 'maul' and rename it to 'kyle'


step six:


you can delete the botfiles, scripts, shaders folders if you want cause you don't need them for this sp mod you're making. The main thing to have at this point is the models folder (sound is optional extra) your models folder should look like this models/players/kyle. Use winzip to zip that models folder, call it models.zip or whatever.


step seven:


You now have a new models.zip (or whatever you named the zip), go to it and rename it to kyle_to_maul.pk3


step eight:


place your new kyle_to_maul.pk3 in the base folder and you're done. The next time you start a JO game kyle will be maul.


##NOTE## >> you have to start a new game or start a level from the map 'level name' command. If you load up a game that you were playing as kyle the lightsaber will stick out of mauls ass or some other strange thing will happen.


##NOTE## >> you can change the model of any character in the game by following the steps above but instead of naming the folder "kyle" you would name it to the character you wanted to replace. for eg: if you wanted maul as tavion the folder would look like this models/players/tavion


if you have any probs reply to this with your e-mail and request of a single player conversion and I'll send it to you.

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thanks, now if i could get that duel of the fates map to work in SP :D


i have one more question. how do you edit a bot personality? for instance i have the Desann-Vader SP conversion, is there anyway to keep vader from using lightning? it just seems so ....out of character

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that would be a little harder and I haven't tried it so I don't know.

I too have vader as desann and also don't like him using lightning on me. My fix for it is when you're fighting him try to stay within 3 meters of him at all times, he seems to stay in lightsaber mode that way.

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thanks for all da help...now, one more question comes to mind. if i wanted to play as, say, a shadowtrooper with the red CTF skin, would i just rename the file for that skin to the defualt one?



also, when i run that bot editor, it says that the application failed to initialize propolry...



and thanks for dealing with my excessive newbness

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You have to have the original model pk3 file in your base folder along with your SP mod. you can combine the two but for the most part you'd have the original model.pk3 file and your new SP conversion mod in the base folder.


if you can't get it to work let me know your e-mail and what model sp conversion you want and I'll send it to you. chances are I have it all packed up sitting there already so it would just be a matter of e-mailing it to you.


I have about 20 SP mods that a swap around and use.

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selectable in the menu? if you mean the mod menu in the game options I don't know how to do that.


if I understand what your asking right, you want to be able to while in-game change back and forth from desann to maul?


if so I can't help you there.

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ii found out how to do it... i got it to run in the in game mod menu, all i have to do is make the rest of those pk3's...


but you cant change ingame, you have to exit and restart and choose before you load a game


ive combined mods and stuff, like the Desann-Vader, kyle-luke, Original trilogy sabers and the OT sounds, and ive turned it into one big selectable file for the Original trilogy... and im doing a desann-maul, kyle-obi wan, jedi- qui-gon, episode one sabers and sounds into one for Ep1, and desann-dooku, kyle-anakin, jedi-obi wan, jeditrainer-mace, episode 2 sabers and then the episode 1 sounds (since they are the same thing) into an episode 2 mod...if anyone can find me a good clonetrooper model, ill use it to change from the stormtrooper, and have a nice chunk out of a TC :p


does anyone know where to find a dooku saber hilt? that would be good...:

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instead of droppin the file into your base folder, go to the GameData folder and make a new folder called whatever you want the mod to be, for instance for my OT one its called "original trilogy", and just plop the pk3 in there, and there ya go


btw, all screenshots and saves made while using that mod are saved inside a subfolder, like my OT one is "gamedata\original trilogy\screenshots"

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no need mate all you have to do is add the glm_maul_mp.pk3 to your mod. since you've moved it out of the base folder the game can't find the maul model so it turns up invisible. What you can do is add the maul model into the desann to maul pk3 or just put the maul.pk3 in with the rest of your mod and it should work then.


any probs let me know and I'll send you a full dessann to maul mod that will work on it's own.

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no prob, you'll want to get the Reborn_To_Maul_SP.pk3 I did up for Cheshire. it changes all the reborn, all their sounds to maul and makes maul use his lightsaber hilt. ATM you can get it at massassi temple.


you can ignore the e-mail i sent then, i canceled it half way through after seeing your post. :)

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hey, i figured out how to do something to make it work, if you just make a maul-tavion hes about the right height, i think the reborn makes him too short...


now can someone point me in the directino of the best Ep I skins and hilts?

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