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New skins by GoblinKing


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you, they're a bit bright, especially the ugnaught, but they weren't really ment to fit in, i mean look at them . They are FREAKS (although the jan one is better than it looks)


anyway, done another skin now, looks quite good and , you will be pleased to know, is not that bright. It's a blacker, darker reborn but with the torso armour from the shadowtrooper.


also been working on some saber effects and saber handles.

A fire effect orange saber (looks like a flame, fire trails)

a strange icy saber and a kinda feathery pale green saber.


There is a brass styled saber hangle with flame-effect grip and a shiny blue chrome effect saber handle also. I'll try to get them up but I'll need someone to put them up for me (i'm too dumb to make web pages)


anyway, thanks guys and keep em coming!

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Gimp isn't the word you're looking for. Here's the definition of Gimp:


1 - A limp or a limping gait.

2 - A person who limps.


In Pulp Fiction, the word Gimp isn't used to describe the guy's clothing, but the way he walks. If you were to say he looks like THE Gimp, that might be more accurate :)


This Public Service Announcement brought to you in part by your friends at Wal-Mart, with a grant from the National Science Foundation.

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