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Certain Maps w/ "Jumping" Bots


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Hello all, there are certain maps like.. "Emperor 's Thrown Room and Carbon Freeze Beta" that I have tried in vain to play be can't, because the bot's are jumping all over the place.. and I don't know how to fix this.... is there a solution with this problem... any help would be greatly appreciated. :(


Sincerely, rogue518

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Dont listen to richdiesal. Download the NwO mappack if you want bot support for emperor's throne room. You don't want to make enemies Diesal so don't bash other mappers. Bot support isnt the most important thing in the world. Some people just recently learned how to add it like me.



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Thanks jkentmarsh for responding, I would greatly appreciated if you could guide me (and others.. I'm sure... ;) ) on the instuctions on how to add bot support for maps that don't have it, or show us the link. Also I did download Boteditor from another website for skins. Oh, and I will download the NwO Mappack. RichDiesal, checked your website out also, good stuff there, can't wait to see the section on how to add Bot Support... ;)


Sincerely, rogue518

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Originally posted by jkentmarsh

Dont listen to richdiesal. Download the NwO mappack if you want bot support for emperor's throne room. You don't want to make enemies Diesal so don't bash other mappers. Bot support isnt the most important thing in the world. Some people just recently learned how to add it like me.




Er... sorry, I didn't even pay attention to which maps he was talking about, lol. That was not a personal attack, so don't take it as one. No need to attack ME. :p


(Ease up on the caffeine, man. :p)

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