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Movement, controls, etc like JK2?


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Sorry if this has been asked anywhere, I've never played Everquest or anything like that, only first and third person games like Jedi Knight II, Heretic II ,Hexen II, Quake, UT, etc, etc. The faq says there'll be first and third person, but will it feel like JK2 and be able to customize controls and settings like JK2?

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Well, not no to everything. If you know what "key mapping" is, then you can do it in most MMORPGs, we don't know yet about SWG. And macros will propably be there. But it won't be as easy as in an action game, mainly because there's some hundred more commands :D


And gameplay-wise, an MMORPG is different than all thise games you list. For instance, one major factor is how well your character fights, not you, the player. If you play a bothan florist who has never even touched a gun, it doesn't matter that you can headshot a crouching person at 100 feet with a Desert Eagle in CS, your bothan florist still can't hit a barn at 10 feet.


EDIT: "todays edition of Setsuko Explains MMORPG Things":


Keymapping: you change the controls. For instance, F6(attack) is changed to F4. Just like an advanced config file in quake etc. Useful when turning your friends keyboard into a dvorak board, without them knowing of it! :D It will cause them hours of worry, and give you days of cheap laughs.


Macro: a set of letters which, when typed, executes a longer command. For instance, /lol triggers /laugh, /q triggers /quit, and /bread triggers /say "hello you little trandoshan barkeep, can I have a glass of beer?". You get the idea. Some basic macros are usually default (/q = /quit), and the other is made by the player. Macros can be used in the most usual cheats, and some games doesn't allow them at all.

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