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Clarification of Lightsaber "combo moves"(?)


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i have beaten the game several times now (great game), and i still haven't figured this out. i don't get it. here is my problem; it has to do with saber fighting and stances. i read somewhere that you can chain saber attacks together. but how?

light - infinite chainable/combo attacks

medium - multiple chainable/combo attacks

strong - a few chainable/combo attacks

what does that mean???????????????????????:(

i mean, you can get interesting moves (in fast) by holding down the primary attack button and (as long as you hit) pressing strafe or something. you'll flip around and spin. most likely won't hit much, but it looks cool. but on medium and strong, it doesn't happen. why is that??? Are chain moves like that or is it like push a combination of buttons. just wondering . . . . . :saberb::saberg:

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I mean, you can get interesting moves (in fast) by holding down the primary attack button and (as long as you hit) pressing strafe or something
That would be chaining a move... Each stance has its different ways of chaining and stuff...so just practice with each one, and you'll know what to do, it's all about movement, so if you strafe left + attack, you'll do a sideswipe, and if you hold down strafe left and attack again + back, you'll probably go into a spin... the way it looks depends on the stance
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