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Mandalorian caps?

Darth Torgo

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Just wondering if anyone is currently working on fixing the no caps problem with the mandalorian armor models? The models & skins are all so swank, it would be a shame for the to continue to pull an Obi Wan death everytime they get cut in half. :) So, is anyone working on giving these guys guts?


- DT

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"and as it doesnt really affect the playability of those models, he will most likely not worry about it and simply have all future models with corrected caps"


The correct colors on a Jango Fett skin do not "affect the playability" of it--it's merly an aesthetic quality. Caps, skins, and everything beyond the factors that fo beyond keeping a model from crashing a game and functioning on a purly technical level are merely asthetics. However, the whole reason for modeling and skinning is asthetics and the way the allow the gamer to futher emerse themselves in the game and change it's visual world. If one were only concerend with not affecting playability, one would never create models to begin with. To not be concerned with the caps because it doesn't effect playability is like not being concerned with a smear of black tar across an otherwise beautiful painting because the black smear does not cause the painting to fall from it's frame. I find it hard to beleive that the artist behind the mandalorian models would care so little for his or her art. Face it, not having caps is a flaw in a model--pure and simple.


If the creator of a model wants to leave it in a flawed state and call it finished, that's his or her decision but let's not pretend it's anything other than incompletion.


- DT

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