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Guest Jat`Kidal

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Guest Jat`Kidal

Roguetwo this is at you!! (it rhyms!)


i`ve just completed the game (again) with the Naboo fighter over this past weekend. i`m guessing you have this game and killed it long ago. have you got some GOOD screenshots of the falcon or other ships (CPit view and external view). if u have mail them (JPEG format if possible), if u want some crazy shots i have a good collection.



"May the force guide us"..if there is such a thing.



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Guest roguetwo

I think I only have a pic of the T-16. I can send that to you. I can't send you anymore because I loaned the game to someone else. The falcon was fun though.



Yes, yes; good food! Good food!-

The wise Jedi Master Yoda

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