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1.03a+ Patch Bug with Saber Throw


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Has anyone else noticed this bizarre bug? Our Clan server, [CPK] Saber Duel, is running the 1.03a_plus pk3 patch. Overall it's awesome. But we have Saber Attack, Defend, and Throw enabled, and we're experiencing the weirdest thing. Every once in a while, the saber doesn't come back... it vanishes, thru the floor, the walls, the ceiling, a model on screen... Gone.


Any ideas? Is it possible this could be caused by any of the additional maps on our server? It happens on any map.. saw it repeatedly tonight on duel_bay, duel_training, and duel_hangar.


Insight will be appreciated....


Even with this crazy bug, the 1.03a+ patch is worth it, kick, thrust, lunge, and backstab/sweep spammers beware... When this is official, you're style will be greatly cramped.



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Glad you like the MOD.

Yes, I already know about this damn bug, I have got it myself on my own server (running 1.03a+/1.04+ [no sure what i shall call it *G*] v0.6 (kick damage removed completely) without any custom maps, only standard ones.

Saber simply disapers now and then.... i don't know why :(.

And i really don't get why this *does* happen more often with 1.03a+ than other 1.03a MODs, so weirdly my guess is it would have to do with changing the amoung of force power a saber throw needs to execute (it has been raised from ~20% to 60%).


And since I don't know a thing about coding myself I don't even have a clue how to fix this or even in what ways the needed force power might have to do with sabers disappearing :/


I have asked for this changes on the coding forum here and cowwithoutbrain was kind enough to make this changes for me, but he doesn't know either why this might have affected sabers in such a way :(


My question would be: Have others had problems with disappearing sabers on other MODs? Or has it something do do with special server settings on our installations of 1.03a+?


Oh I started two threads on this before:


ANY help might save my day and my server ;)

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currently I'm testing something with the g_synchronousclients CVAR enabled. While I'm absolutely NOT sure what this one is intended to do it +seems* that it fixes the *saber away* issue, or at least makes it happen less often.


i tried this because I thought this bug might have something to do with network traffic/speed/lag/whatever.... thought this helps to isolate the problem, but i stil lcan't figure out WHY this happens :(

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I've run 1.03+/1.03a and now I’m with u1.04 and the saber disappears in both. I’ll try the synch client setting too and see if it helps.


Could anyone shed some light on the properties/benefits/drawbacks of this setting?


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I have been playing on Daks server,and it hapens all the time. But if you wait a bit the saber will come back. I have wanted to implement u1.04, but want to wait till this is resolved.


Btw: Dak I have much fun on your server. Xlr8 told me you and he are friends. Or should I call him Paingod :) So I ventured on over, and have a jolly ol time. ah well Thanks fer the fun...:D :D

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So we trade one mystery for another;


No, it does not depend on the changes done in 1.03a+ BUT it does happen in 1.03a+, 1,03a/u1.04... and so on... :/


Any ideas?

What confuses me is that some people are actually *running* Servers with u104 and the likes without this problem.... strange indeed... and frustrating that is.


So what I did on my server to date is trading all the great benefits 1.03a (the sdk source) gives against (the tweaked / toned down) saber throw... :-/


If anyone has an idea....

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This bug is found even in 1.02, although the severity seems to be a bit random. I'm not exactly sure why it happens, but it seems to happen to those that tend to try and use force powers during saber throw.... at least that is one instance where I see people lose they're sabers somewhat reguarly. My thought is that somewhere along the line, the sabers records you as having your saber in hand, when your client has got that far. Just an idea... but hell who knows.

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Originally posted by alienprotein

Btw: Dak I have much fun on your server. Xlr8 told me you and he are friends. Or should I call him Paingod :) So I ventured on over, and have a jolly ol time. ah well Thanks fer the fun...:D :D [/b]


Hey A.P. Im glad you had fun! That's why i do this!


On a less enjoyable note, I tried the Synchrounous client setting and all it did was make gameplay really laggy and the server crashed 3 times in five hours. Meanwhile the sabers still disapeared. Anyone know if Raven was Emailed on this?

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Originally posted by els.DarkLord

What I absolutely don't get is why others don't seem to have this problem (*that* often) [/b]


When you say Others do you mean other servers, or other maps?


I've been running the Matrix_Dojo map as #1 in my map cycle lately and the saber disappears much worse than any other map, except maybe Dual_Kamino, or the hangar area in ffaEpisode 1. Consequently I switched back to u1.04 today...

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No, sadly, it did not fix the problem. JK2++ just makes the matches last a hundred years since heal & drain more powerfull. Also i couldn't figure out how to use the extra admin features it was supposed to have.


I dont think there will ever be a fix for this. Im going to add a message on my broadcast that if your saber dissapears just kick fight the rest of the match. I refuse to go back to the official 1.03.

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Originally posted by Dak_iSuk

I refuse to go back to the official 1.03.

As do I.

What I did so far for my server is just my 'Mod' and disable throw.... It took me a time to get used to not having throw at all, but after that it is a lot of fun, it is very *well* balanced and fair (Neutral Forces only). I'd rather have throw back for sure, but since nobody has a solution I'll just have to stick with this (remeber: it is fun as well *g*).


I think sometime, someone has to find a sollution for this, since it does not come from the changes done in my Mod, nor from the changes the JK2++ Team did.... it is in JK2's Main Code, so *IF* people wan't to make woring Mods sometime it HAS to be fixed.... just wonder when some one takes the time to look into it :/

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I currently run u1.04 on my server (might go to Vulcanis AdminMod soon as it's getting good comments), and I have witnessed sabres dissappearing on several occasions. Once, I was just practising on the server alone and my sabre vanished through a wall. I carried on running around for a further 10 minutes. I noticed that my force pool would not regenerate and I could not change weapons, leading me to believe that my sabre was still around somewhere still being 'thrown'. Eventually I came across it still flying about. It then came back to me and all was well again :)

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Yes, that is exactly *this* bug. And it did happen rather often on my server so I disabled Force Throw (:/).

I hope someon will find a solution, so i could turn it back on (I really like the way it works in 1.03a+; not beeing too powerfull, but very handy against this-and-that-spammers.


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Originally posted by els.DarkLord

What I did so far for my server is just my 'Mod' and disable throw....


I took your advice and I'm disabling throw today. a buddy having a lan party tonight so the server will be packed. I should get enough feedback to decide if its permanant.


Originally posted by Jasco Smlee

I currently run u1.04 on my server (might go to Vulcanis AdminMod soon as it's getting good comments)


Im running vulcanus now and the admin perks are reason enough to use it. I ried jk2++ but the changes to heal and drain made the duel last a thousand years. Im sticking with this until a fix for the throw bug is out.




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Oh well, I'm really wondering if the combination of 1.04 Server binaries, and the 1.04 Patch for both Servers and Clients will fix this Saber Throw bug I had so much trouble with in 1.03a.


If it does that would be great.. I could finally play on my server and have saber throw balanced out a bit more.

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