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Most Powerful Jedi


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It seems to me that this entire debate is a three-way tie between Anakin, Sidious, and Yoda. I think Luke is better than Anakin, considering that Yoda trained him for, what, 3 days? If you compare his learning rate to the average prequel-era Jedi, Luke would be on the Council within a week! However, Yoda still seems to be more powerful than him, so I'm going to rule both Skywalkers out.


It comes down to Yoda and Sidious, at complete opposite ends of the Force spectrum. Personally, I think Sidious dominates (and not just because he's my favorite fictional character of all time and he rocks.)

You see, in the old trilogy, before AOTC ever came around, we saw Yoda as all talk, looking like an old, worn-out Muppet reject who couldn't walk three feet. I mean, sure, he lifted the X-wing out of the swamp, but other than that, he just blabbered about the Force and in ROTJ, he just said a few lines and died! (I'm not trying to diss Yoda, he's cool, you'll see my point in a minute.)


Unfortunately, this also applies to Sidious/Palpatine. In ROTJ, I expected to see one bad@$$ tough-looking dude, and what did I get? A decrepit old man on a friggin' cane! In the movies, all we see him do is either throw Lightning (which is still awesome) or talk through holograms with his face covered (wish I could too.) Back to Yoda:


Here comes AOTC. Still, here's Yoda, meditating and giving orders, sending clonetroopers to their deaths, but still no action. Then comes the hangar scene with Tyranus. A short 30-second fighting sequence and Yoda's the biggest action hero of the summer, and we all put him on the top of the most powerful Jedi list.

Now, if this trend continues, I have a feeling that in Episode III, we'll get to see the full extent of Sidious's dark powers with flinging boulders, whipping up lightning storms, maybe swinging bad@$$ dual purple lightsabers, and soon he'll replace Darth Maul as the official T-shirt bad guy (notice how there are so many Darth Maul T-shirts?)

And, of course, since I'm a HUGE Palpatine fan, this is good for me and now I can wear a Palpatine T-shirt and have a LOT more Palpatine JKII skins to download (just like how there are so many Maul skins out there.)


So, my vote goes to Darth Sidious. Long live the Emperor.




BTW, I think there should be a "Yoda vs. Sidious" thread. I might put one up, if no one else does.

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Well, back the truck up there, Shadow Angel. If Sidious is the most powerful, why does he fear BOTH Skywalkers? He turns Anakin to the dark side because he knows that (at the time), Anakin is the only Jedi who could defeat him, short of Yoda, possibly. Vader, as we see him in the OT, is enslaved by the Emperor to the point of not being able to even think about going against his master's wishes.

When Sidious learns of Luke, he commands Vader to either turn him, or destroy him; because Luke then is the only one (granted he's the only Jedi, period) that could cause his downfall. Vader himself says to Luke, "You can defeat the Emperor, he has forseen it."


All I have to say is that if he is the most powerful, then he sure is a giant wuss.

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I think sidious fears the skywalkers for their potential power and because yes they may destroy him, but his power to control his power and take control of one of the skywalkers shows his greatness.


You can't judge power on who can destroy who, fighting is not the only answer in life.



There are too many ways to judge this competition and it's really just pure speculation and a matter of oppinion on who you think is overall most powerful. I think if it wasn't because of anakins weakness to his son the emperor would have easily crushed luke and prevailed as emperor for a very long time. I think the emperor was an incredibly smart man but lost it all when he succomed to greed for his power. Again i find it too hard to judge.

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This is probably the most interesting post ive ever read...


Anyhoo back to wot i was gonna say.


This Prophecy of the chosen one, could this be a Sith Prophecy as the phrase suggested "The one that will bring balence to the force".

The only balance that i can see is the killing of the Light jedi so that the numbers match the dark jedi, e.g 1 master 1 apprentice

(luke and yoda - Palpatine and Vader)


That one has had me thinking heavily so help me out here :eyeraise:



P.s. my 2 cents on the most powerful force sensitive would also be palpatine, as he manipulated both sides (jedi order vs Renegade systems/Trade federation) of the conflict to his favor and eventually to his master plan (Being the emperor of the galaxy).


P.P.s Would the reason that palpatine didnt foresee his death by the hands of Vader be the fault of vaders dark side clouding his future?

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well, the future can change dontcha know, and Vadar was palpatine's puppet on nice unbreakable strings...


but, i think, when he was frying luke, he was using the force so heavily that the mind trick wasn't so strong on vadar and he was also so distracted with zapping luke that vadar could grab him and throw him to his doom


you see, he thought as long as he could keep the mind trick up it would never happen, and he foresaw it that way..... but, I really think his pride, greed, and ego got it in the way ;)

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Good point, CoolJ. And yes, Phantom, that's what I think about the prophecy, as well. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's a Sith prophecy, just that the Jedi Council themselves may be misinterpreting it. After all, when the Council is wiped out, the only ones left are Yoda and Obi-Wan, which leaves the dark - light balance at 2 - 2.

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The force is as old as the universe itself. It excisted before humans or creatures of any kind. Bringing balance doesnt have to do with how many siths or Jedi there are. That cant be so. Just cause you even out or eliminate them to be ballanced doesnt mean that there arent millions of other force sensitive people around the universe. Just cause they arent full Jedi or Sith(Titles created by humans or other living species)doesnt mean that other strong force sensitive people exist somewere.

Jedi and Sith are ways of life created NOT by the force but by humans/aliens. If you believe in the even #'s theory then they would have to go around the entire universe(not just in the galaxy that starwars takes place in)killing off any force sensitive beings.

It is impossible to bring ballance to the force by using this method.

You think the force is confined to this small area of the universe?

The force is everywere.


Well thats my theory anyway.

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I dont know man,

I think Lucas just worded it wrong;)

I think Powerfull Sith's like Sidious take up enourmous amounts of power into themselves thus causing a great disturbance in the force. Maye be it means to get rid of the ones that misuse the force.

Just my theorys.

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