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Most Powerful Jedi


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1)Obi-Wan easily blocked Dooku's lightning. If you'll notice, Dooku's lightning was far weaker than Sidious's. It only shot strait, and didn't seam to have as much ability to kill; basically it looks like force lightning level 1, maybe 2, from JKII. I don't think that any Jedi would block lightning that fans out and is probably far more powerful than any Tyranus could muster.


2)Given enough time (say a couple millenia), any Jedi could be the most powerful. However, as I said, Maul's training up until he died only included using the force for dueling. I don't think he'd just give that up and go study in the ways the living force, as Yoda did. Sorry, just wouldn't have happened. He was a minor player, and you could just as well pick any Jedi and say that they COULD have been the most powerful, given enough time. Well, he didn't have enough time, he got wasted by Obi-Wan.

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Originally posted by Zindell

it's not that the others didnt believe that anakin was the chosen one, they were not 100 percent sure what that meant. They sensed evil in anakin, fear and hate. Maybe they knew that with so many Jedi and so very few Dark Jedi balance could only mean one thing. Less Jedi. Who knows.


THANK YOU, Zindell, please, post this up on the thread about "how did Anakin bring balance to the force". Everybody seems to think for some reason that bringing balance means wiping out the other side.

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Originally posted by Zindell

Yeah So there... Is that Cut scene gonna be in the DVD or something?


Yeah probably...


And these were pictures of the 2 sabers...








THIS was the full explanation of the cut ending scene of the fight...


Durning the final battle between Yoda and Dooku, originally yoda was to knock his lightsaber out of his hands, to stand on his head, and to say:The end for you, Count, this is. He aims the lightsaber above his head, preparing to stab, when dooku knocks him aside, and then lets the crane fall on Obi Wan and Annie. Originally, yoda was set to get under the crane, pushing it up from underneath, but that was later changed.



Thats another cut scene proving Anakin wasnt a total wuss...


Anakin Hits Dooku

The fightscene between Dooku and Anakin. There is a part when Anakin gets angry and finally manages to hurt Dooku is also cut. (Darth Silent)

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

ok lets try this.. Dark jedi Aniakin vs maul.. meaing before he got cripped but after he turned


Anakin. Period. If anyone knows anything about how power Anakin gets before he is turned into walking scrap metal by Obi-Wan, you would know that Darth Maul wouldn't stand a chance against him at that point.


And I hope you guys are right about the Nov. 16th release date. The sooner the better.

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Anakin is the chosen one, he did bring balance to the force. Let me explain: When anakin killed all of the jedis except Yoda and Obi-Wan, vader, a jedi that is around how powerful obi-wan is (this is achieved because of vaders damaged body, and a not so great training that left him without the cool force) and yoda, that believe it or not is about as powerful as yoda (im sure palpatine has a light saber because he had to build one at some point). If yoda and palpatine fought the outcome would be in the air. Im sure both of them can fly, even in their old age they could fight better than the other jedi/sith. Yoda could kick lukes ass, luke at any level of training because he had so much time to become skilful with the force, same with palpatine. The guy is OLD. Palpatine lives for a long time because he can come back. Yoda can defeat almost any jedi (jedi includes all sub-categories such as sith and dark jedi in my opinion fyi), i think he could even defeat palpatine IF he could catch the lighting in the air. I think yoda could take a hit from it though if he had some way to get out of there fast (this because he can use the force to reverse the process) Also on the power that literally comes from the force (midichlorian count) it would go in an order similar to this:

Luke and maras kid, then one of the solo kids,anakin, anakins offspring, yodas offspring (if any,doubtful though) [if with a force sensitive Yodan (whaever the hell yoda is) ], yoda, yodas offspring with a non force sensitive being, I know that palpatine didnt wouldnt have any kids, and i cant go out any farther than this. You could get complex with this and theorize about lukes offspring mating with another jedis offspring but then it gets into theoretical controled breeding, sounds like a nazi germany thing.

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Uhh Anakin brought balance to the force by killing the Master and the Apprentace at the same time, thus destroying the Sith. To my knowledge, the Sith are the ones bringing the force into unbalance.


I could be wrong, but that seemes like the most simple solution...

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CagedCrado, you're right on a lot of points, but the one thing you're forgetting is that

"Not even Master Yoda has a medichlorian count that high."

-Obi-Wan in Ep1

Referring to Anakin. You're forgetting that Anakin was conceived by medichlorians. As far as we know, Anakin has the highest medichlorian count ever, at least in the previous 1000 years. Granted, his medichlorian count drops after the "trauma" he encounters in the next movie; however, before then, he had the highest count.

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His midichlorian count remains the same because i think it is per cell, but i am right because power comes with knowledge, if vader knew half the things yoda does i might consider what you sa, and if you check i do say that anakin has a higher midichlorian count then yoda, but it dosent matter because he dosent have the knowledge (if thats not what i said [or implied], then im going to go back and change it.......


Also about the bringing balance to the force thing: what i said was correct unless you heard it from an official source, anakin brought balance to the force because he left 2 jedi and 2 sith of equal or similar ability.

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Originally posted by MasterD-LeyAmas

CagedCrado, you're right on a lot of points, but the one thing you're forgetting is that

"Not even Master Yoda has a medichlorian count that high."

-Obi-Wan in Ep1

Referring to Anakin. You're forgetting that Anakin was conceived by medichlorians. As far as we know, Anakin has the highest medichlorian count ever, at least in the previous 1000 years. Granted, his medichlorian count drops after the "trauma" he encounters in the next movie; however, before then, he had the highest count.


But not the amount of training, which puts Yoda back into his rightful "the most powerful" place...

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I don't know thisa guys name. If someone does, please tell me it. If you haven't noticed, I've taken a new fancy to Tusken Raiders.


Here's my favorite comic cover:



Here's a nifty one of him holding two lightsabers(which should be sparking if I'm correct) while standing next to some of the finest members of the Jedi council(could he have been a part of the Jedi Council?):




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Palpatines lightning probably wouldnt be blocked that easily, it is more spread out and such. Not to mention other types of the darkside, just because it isnt in the movies dosent mean it isnt there. Such as force destruction in jedi knight 1. Yoda would have more trouble blocking these, and in the end their force would still balance out. Also just because vader is machine dosent make him weak. He could be stronger than before. Also they couldnt train those guys as ninjas before they made the early films.


When i say vader would be stronger than before i mean physically.

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Luke is definitly stronger then Vader. Vader may have held back because he didn't want to kill his son but Luke didn't want to kill his father. Luke had the upper hand when he was just defending and Vader couldn't stand up to Luke when he went on the offensive.


One thing that bothers me about StarWars is how Dooku and Yoda were so old yet so powerful. Ok they became stronger in the force over time, I can go with that but then how could Qui-Gon lose to the younger Darth-Maul and Obi-Wan was able to beat him. In Episode 4 Darth Vader said to Kenobi that his powers are weak. At first I thought this was from age but I now believe it was from lack of using the force for so many years.


Anyway here is my order for the strongest Jedis in the movies (at their peak). I base this more on their knowledge of the force and how they use it, less on sabering.


1.) Darth Sidious - He was able to conceal himself right in front of the Jedi Council. He trained many and has been around for a long time. Manipulated Anakin. Oh yeah, he uses lightning.

2.) Yoda - Over 800 years old and still kicking. One of the highest medichlorines ever. Trained many and has been using the force for such a long time. Slight edge on Dooku.

3.) Dooku- Been around for awhile, trained by Yoda and was master to Qui-Gon. Led an order to bring apart the Republic. Proved he was stronger in the force and a better saberist to the Epsiode 2 Obi-Wan and Anakin. Anakin may surpass Dooku in sabering in Episode 3 but never in the force (I know Anakin has a higher medichlorine count but Dooku has been training for much longer and Anakin doesn't live long enough. Lightning =-P

4.)Mace Windu - Not too much to go on but he was pretty much second in command in the council next to Yoda so I would assume he be pretty high.

5.)Luke Skywalker - Trained for probably the shortest amount of time yet the high lvl of medichlorine in his blood made him very powerful very quickly. Trained by the great Yoda and Ben Kenobi. Proved he was more powerful then Darth Vader by Return of the Jedi and his abilities have only improved there after.

6.)Darth Vader - Wipes out the Jedi Order and has the highest medichlorine count ever in a life form (Its possible Luke and Leia may have an even higher amount since Luke was able to defeat him.) People keep saying that Anakin became weaker after becoming Darth Vader but I think George Lucas intended Vader to be more powerful and menacing then Anakin. Vader says to Ben in Episode 4 when he fought him in Episode 3 he was but the learner but now he is the master. Trained by Obi-Wan and Darth Sidious.

7.)Obi-Wan - His peak most likely will be Episode 3 so we'll see then (this is more based on Episode 2). He was no match for Dooku in Episode 2 and his powers became weaker in Episode 4. Had he kept training he may have been around Windu's level.

8.)Darth-Maul - This was a thinker to put Darth-Maul above Qui-Gon but Darth Sidious trained him and said he was well trained. Obviously Maul was a much better saberist then Qui-Gon even with the single saber since Qui-Gon was all out of breath after their first brief encounter. I know I said less on sabering but the force is during sabering as well :-/. Its close. Obi-Wan surpasses Maul by the time of Episode 2 and most definitly by Episode 3.

9.)Qui-Gon - Very knowledgeable and decent saberist. Obi-Wan surpasses him and Qui-Gon calls him a much wiser man then himself. Trained by Dooku. Probably has more knowledge in the force then Darth Maul but it seems the age factor in the StarWars universe didn't kick in for him. Qui-Gon seemed to be more diplomatic and a speaker.




100) All those Jedi who died in Episode 2.

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Originally posted by Bungalow

Anakin Solo would have been the strongest but

Warning EU spoiler






He dies



Dooku wasn't only defending, he took couple of swipes at Yoda that almost nicked him as he was jumping around like a monkey


Leia does get a saber, but all she can do is deflect, she's a padawan


Why do you all think that Dooku got owned, and that Yoda was gonna finish him

Dooku was playing defensive

he didn't even backstep, if he did move back then, ya maybe he was losing,

but he stood his ground

Yoda was like what 800+ years old, a little longer and that green midget would have tired out lost the force and be crawling around looking for his stupid cane

end of story, if Dooku wasn't scared of the other two getting up, then Dooku would have owned Yoda

Exar Kun rules


GET SERIOUS !! :swear:

Dooku`s arse caved in because the mighty :yoda: was kicking his butt. That`s why Dooku created a distraction so he could save his own skin :mob:

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