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Fett models fix?


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and Gonk your post saying

"absath disapeared... claimed that the forum was getting out of control.. kissing his ass too much has given him a swollen ego and is now demanding the star treatment"

if you don't have anything good to say don't say it at all. I am deciding to avoid posting updates to my models now on this forums because most comments prove quite unproductive. I have my own sources for comments and crits now. That is why absath doesn't post much stuff in here anymore.


And BTW i'm not saying that anyone in here was saying DO IT NOW in this forum, but i seem to have taken that feeling from some of the other threads.

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I'm totally grateful for every model that has been produced. No matter how awful or great anyone thinks a model is, I know it takes a hell of a lot of work. However, one thing that bothers me is the somewhat conceited attitude I often see on editing forums. I'm not going to name anyone, but when someone posts, saying "Hey, I'm making a double-awsome-mega-secret skin/model/map, but for now I'm only going to show you select PREVIEW screenshots of this magnificent venture. You may now feel free to endlessly hype and praise my project," I can't help but feel annoyed. I've only seen crap like this posted a few times(and not just on lucasforums), but usually the thread breaks down into pointless ass-kissing, and anyone who criticizes in the slightest is shunned, belittled, or given the "make your own if you don't like it" excuse. I can't speak for everyone, but IMHO people like that insult every humble and hardworking artist out there. Just because their work is popular doesn't give them the right to boast and insult as if it is better or more important than anyone else's. I can't help but roll my eyes when those people disappear to "work in seclusion" because there are too many peeps of negativity in the endless flood of praise, and everyone acts like it's some sort of tragedy. Almost everyone works hard at something. Just because what they do is the center of attention doesn't mean I have to act like everything they touch turns to gold.

-end rant-

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Originally posted by Darth Torgo

Oh, and as for the wonderfull "If you don't like it, do it yourself" bit. Please. Stephen King writes a disapointing book, does he accuse the reading public with such a line? "What, you didn't like Black House? Well, look, there's paper and pencil out there--go out and write your own if you want better!"


that was addressed to whom ?? because I think you're talking to the author but sounds like you're writing about what I said...just want to get it straight :)


and yeah, these forums really surprised me, I thought I found a nice civilized forum but I see so many ****ing noob and dumb questions/comments, please, I visit forums with some kids 13 years of age and they have much more better stuff to say, really shocked me there :eek:


polycount forums are nice, you got tons of professionals with hell of a lot to say about your work :)


the models are great BUT could get heck of a lot better if some more time is put into them, like


*add guns to the holsters

*tweak few things here and there (for looks)

*fix the remaining glitches (like the saber, and I think there was something wrong with the roll)

*maybe make few jet pack shaders for the jump animation

*add more detail to the skins


these are the things "I" think would make the model best of the best (and it is already)


if the original authors can't do it themselves or just don't have the time then they should at least allow other people to work on it and fix it


he's one of the coolest characters and a proper JK2 model would be sweet, I just hate for it to go to waist (and it is, not many people play as him)


I could at least edit the skin to have more detail, I think I can find the time for that but the others I don't know about


there is also another model released on this site, it has the guns and all (but doesn't look as good as this one)


also CTF skins were made, if someone updates this great model then they should include those :)


I donno, just few thoughts I have on my mind right now, I hope someone gets to him, he really is a great model, just those damn few things that bring it down.

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remark 666

if you're going on like "add rocket exhast to the backpacks, guns to the holsters" etc.

then you're prolly lookin for the mandalorian mod someone is developping

and about the "do it yourself" quote

i never said that

"[sarcasm]why not do it yourselfs ?? or ask someone who knows how to. The models are released and fully editable, go ahead, no one is stoping ya [/sarcasm] (while you're at it, add the guns )."

it was you


i'm sorry that i brought this up... i didn't know that this has been discussed that much yet and i just wanted to ASK them to do it

i never said "DO IT NOW!" (and i dont say someone said i did :p )


i like the models alot and i think the skins are good...

very close to the originals

the problem for me was just that i'm not able to use them because of this saber story...

it was/is just sad that this model is rarely used because of such a small bug


and i really do understand why they dont post in here anymore...

its always like: you start a thread and post that you just began working on a new project and post some pics...

you get tons of posts like "WHOA LOOKS GREAT!!!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK" and everybody wants you to release it as soon as possible...

then you release it, everybody dls it and comes back and says either "YAY ITS GREAT I LUV YA MAN!" or "argh theres this and that bug .. why did you release it that early?"

you get like 130 posts .. but only 10 of them contain useful stuff


i apologize for my bad english... and i'd say "thats it.. nuf said this thread is useless.. lets all stop posting in here :) "

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