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Best stance for close encounters...


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What is the best stance for fighting someone when no force and no backstabbing is being used? Normally I use the pull backstab combo with an occasional kick, pull throw, and maybe a pull kick combo and I hardly ever swing my saber, but I'd like to learn how to fight with the saber only. I find that the red stance is just too slow for any seasoned player, but leaves you vulnerable. what is the best tactic for fighting someone with saber swings only and what stance? From what I see, most people just start swinging wildly with up, left, attack and twirl around aimlessly in circles in hopes to strike someone. Is there another tactic?


Thanks in advance

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What you have described is not really a tactic. Some people have adopted the headless chicken style but there are numerous refined techniques for saber only battle. Against an opponent such as you have described, I would advise using the heavy stance, or a counter-based yellow style. 1- Red gives u a very wide range to swing, especially when using the broad side attacks. 2. Your headless opponent will blindly charge into you - strengthening your odds to hit. Example, headless fighter rushes you blindly. Calmly, you switch to red, going backwards as the twirler relentlessly approaches; As you are going backwards and the opponent is following, begin a sideswing and walk toward your assailent- still keeping distance from the small radius of the blue attacker; done properly, your fight is now half done.


Every opponent in a non force saber only duel has a distinct style. The more advanced duelers that you encounter will use all three stances with equal aplomb. Learn by watching the best. When you notice someone is using yellow only stances, and is playing to counter their opponents attacks- rather than swinging first- recognize their strategy. Once you realize they will only counter you, you can adopt the same strategy and force them out of their element by making them attack first. You can then use either the yellow stance or the more widely accepted blue stance to counter your now awkward opponent's swings by calmly stepping to the side and doing a whirling attack of your own.


General Tips:

1. Keep your cool, dont let an opponent or an angry peanut gallery force you out of your game. After all, its your time on the stage; shine on.


2. Learn how your opponent will react before you swing within attacking range. Example: try a few heavy swings while standing a good distance away. Does your opponent rush you? does he stand still? Always roll to the left? Does he withdraw his saber and press the taunt button? Each reaction will give you grand insight as to the direction or action your opponent will take when you close in to strike for real. Notice your opponent always dodges left? Lead your strike to the left. Opponent always jump backwards then blue lunge? Recognize the distance he usually is away before he starts this move, and be prepared to roll under his jump and whack him in the back.


3. Keep your cool.


4. Keep your cool.


5. Have fun. If not having fun, go outside.

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there is no best stance for close encounters, all stances should be used to take advantage of them.


Personally I will change stances all the time, and the spinners are countered in many way, here are but a few (I'm working on a saber guide so watch for it;))



Medium Finisher-Often people don't watch where they are going, that is the only reason this move is useful, as it is usually a one hit kill, but if people watch out for it they will rarely take any damage from it AND you will probably end up being the one dead. Luckily this isn't the case, too many people run around blindly, especially spinners and assfighters. This works excellent all those people. Simply push forward + attack + jump while the enemy is in front of you, they will probably walk into it and will be dead before they even know what happened!


Death From Above (DFA)-A spinner rarely moves, a lot of these reasons are the same as those for the medium finisher. Simply press forward + attack (keep holding attack key) and then push jump about 3/4 through the swing, allowing you to kill the person that is running around blindly, this move still works excellent in close counters because nobody expects it!:) If they come up behind you when you are in the crouch just switch to light stance and backstab them, they never expect it!:D If they come to the side strafe left/right and double tap the jump key to kick them!:)


Lunge Attack-Works great because range is pretty good and their is little time that leaves you open (unlike DFA and Medium finisher). This move still does decent damage, I have tested it and can do around 60 damage. If you contact with their saber it will knock it to the side, leaving them open for even more damage!:)


These are just how you can use the unique moves to help you. I won't cover heavy stance because CobraKai already covered it pretty well.;)


The medium stance is also good if they are in light because it does about 10-15 damage more and is only slightly slower, simply aim for where they will be with a well placed top-down hack, they'll get the picture soon enough;) If they don't, they'll be dead:) Light stance can also be used but not as well because you'll both be using the same moves, just use more tactics and common sense than the opponent if you want to use light stance.


And then you can also kick them....



...Force Enabled servers leave them open to a quick and easy saber throw, along with many many possiblities (all the offensive force powers pretty much)

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In NF, it's actually quite hard to defend against a skilled blue spammer. They swing quite fast and move around you about as fast and all those little nicks can wear you down.


Headless chickens are always easy, no matter what. They aren't what you should be worried about. ;)


Best defense I've found is to stay in red stance (gives you the absolute best defense possible) and back away from them.


Eventually they'll break the attack off and you can work from there with something more conventional.

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you assume that the guy who's spinning around like a top is out of control though.


I just disagree. I've seen some people do very very well with blue stance, even against people who were hardcore red stance users.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

you assume that the guy who's spinning around like a top is out of control though.


I just disagree. I've seen some people do very very well with blue stance, even against people who were hardcore red stance users.


i know people can do well with light, i can do very well with it to (not meaning to brag or anything, just a fact)


just that a lot of the time if somebody is spinning like explained in this topic they won't have time to see the heavy stance swing coming AND avoid it

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I just stand still and watch the headless fighter swing away. Ocassionally, I have to move to avoid a hit. I like using all 3 stances...it depends on the circumstance for each stance. I also like to strafe to the side a bit and nail them with yellow, maybe a crouch and yellow or red strafe. It all depends. Most of these headless battlers rush blindly straight at you .... so a side step attack, or even DFA works well. They all have a unique pattern of useless swings and direction of movement, just watch them...they never change it.

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