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What i've read (important)


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I was at the official xbox website and i found out that they have witnessed a beta testing of KOTOR!. this is an excerpt from the article that explains how people can fight in the game.


"Combat is in real time, though BioWare says turn-based gamers will be able to pause in mid-fight (ala Baldur's Gate). Initially, your opponents will be soulless droids that put up little resistance, but within a few minutes you'll face your first Dark Jedi in a saber duel. Don't expect to be coddled by the forces of evil!" (third paragraph of article)






to see for your self go to the xbox website and sign in. then go to the games section at the top menu and click it, then once the page loads look to the left side and it will star wars knights of

the old republic and there will be three links under it and click the labeled the first encounter (beta) and read

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