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Ingame Questions


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Hey im new to the forum Ive never played any MMORPGs and I have some questions on more of the technical side of the game. Id be really grateful if anyone could fill me in.



1.Is it possible to construct buildings? And if so what will the interface be like? Will it be drag and drop or having an Npc construct it?


2.Will there be a questionnaire style system as well as physical attributes for making your character?


3. What are the limitations for what can be traded/built/created or discovered in the game? (E.g. i heard if you are a jedi you can search for crystals ,create a lightsaber then create a shop and sell them?!)


Thanks for any help as im really exicted abou the possiblitys for this game.


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1. Yes it is possible. We don't know yet exactly what the mechanism will be.


2. Don't really know for sure. I've been mostly off line since E3 so I haven't seen all the latest.


3. It appears there will be a very broad design/customization ability for crafters in the game. We will have to see exactly what the limits to that are once the game comes out.


On a side note, any Jedi who sets up shop selling lightsabers is an idiot and will die very quickly.

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First off, welcome!


Second, bare this is mind. This game will blow everything out of the water, you should almost never ask "can" you do something.


Because trust me, if its inline with Star Wars coninuity and the general works of the universe, then its in the game.


If you want more imformation read the FAQ's on this website.

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Originally posted by covenant_bad


2.Will there be a questionnaire style system as well as physical attributes for making your character?




Not quite sure what your asking here, but if your asking if you will have a say on customizing your character as far as how he or she looks in game then the answer is yes.


If your asking about having attributes that you can develop like in a standard RPG, then the answer is also yes.

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Originally posted by MikeC



1. Yes it is possible. We don't know yet exactly what the mechanism will be.


2. Don't really know for sure. I've been mostly off line since E3 so I haven't seen all the latest.


3. It appears there will be a very broad design/customization ability for crafters in the game. We will have to see exactly what the limits to that are once the game comes out.


On a side note, any Jedi who sets up shop selling lightsabers is an idiot and will die very quickly.


hmmm... if he does it very carefully he might actually make alot of cash... although...

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