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Anyone seen the RS2 movies?

Guest Darth_Simpson

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Guest Darth_Simpson



They are totally kickass. Looks like the real thing. Maybe I'll be getting myself a Gamecube!


The movies are over at cube.ign.com for the uninformed!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Go to IGN and look around. To lazy to find an exact link...


One 20MB download and one about 10. Intro movie and gameplay movie. Choose the gameplay video first! The biggest one...

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Raptor Leader

Imagine what other levels might look like. such as:


1. Conquest of Coruscant

2. Battle of Thyferra

3. Warlord Zsinj campain

4. Thrawn campain

5. Battle of Adumar


THese were all in the SW novels series known as X-Wing series and Heir To the Empire series. We can't forget the battle of Endor, can we?



Emkay: Did I miss anything?

Emon Azzemeen: Yeah, we jettisoned the trash. You can go with the next load.

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