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Help I am Stuck!!!! Neelo hideout right at the driod asking for password


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Here's a walkthrough I stole from http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/jedi_outcast_a.txt


I didn't read it very well, so read it at your own risk, I dunno how many spoliers


It goes from the beginning of the level to the point of the password (highlight the white area with your mouse to read it)



As the level begins, you can find a secret area by jumping from the crate to the metal piping on either side, then jumping from there up to a pair of Converters.


If you miss the jump, you can cut through the grating on your left to avoid the garbage smasher. (Thanks to Odd Ball for pointing this out.) Head through the door to find a large room full of garbage smashers. There's another secret area through the first door on your right - blow up the explosive barrel in the room

to open a passageway to a sniper's roost with a couple of Rodians.


(The explosion here blows open the wall.)


There's yet another secret area in the first room here. Find the stack of crates near the wall, then drop down between them and the wall, and hit your Use key while facing the wall. A secret panel should open up.


Go back to the garbage smashers and find one with an exposed pipe sticking out of its side. You'll need to jump up and into the garbage smasher, then run underneath the smashing mechanism without getting squashed. There's a simple jumping puzzle in the next large room, from which you'll proceed down some corridors until you find what seems to be a dead end. Use your Force Pull on the dumpster to pull it towards you.


What you have to do in this area is not attempt to move around the dumpster that you pull, but instead head all the way back to the large central area of the level, the one with the four large garbage smashers. There's a room attached to this area with a large wall of glass and a number of crates. Here's a screenshot of the room in question; hopefully you'll recognize it:


After you've pulled the garbage hauler near the jumping puzzle, go back to the central area and find this room. There's a crate you can pull to reveal a passageway, which then leads you to another garbage hauler; Push this one to reveal the passageway leading to the rest of the area. The point of Pulling the first garbage hauler is not to clear the hallway so that you can pass, it's to make room so that you can Push the other garbage hauler enough to reveal the adjacent corridor. (As a note, there is a secret area in the ceiling above the garbage hauler in the hallway; look for a small area that you can jump up into.)


Smash the window in the adjacent room, while being careful not to step on the red-hot incinerator track. Pull the lever across the way to unlock the door. This next hallway is populated with some Rodian snipers, so watch for the windows to open and blast them with your weapon of choice. You'll reach a ramp eventually - watch for a grate on the right side of the wall. When you find it,

smash it, crawl into the duct, and then blow up the explosive canister below.


Head back to the ramp and drop down into the room below. Cut the door's lock, and proceed through the now-smashed wall to find the prison area, where the game's very special guest star awaits. Once you've had your conversation, head

back to the ramp area, and go through the door at the top to find yourself on the walkways at the top of the garbage smasher room. At the far side of this area is a small control room where you'll be asked for a password - the prisoner gave it to you, so you'll be allowed through. (If you didn't have the password, you'd have been dropped into a room with an electrified floor.)


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