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What do you mean?

Guest Saesee Tom

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We're anticipating the release of a new game someday, but also "Battle for Naboo" can be considered a "prequel" to the first RS.


And even the first RS is on more than one system, but I figured it was appropriate. Discuss!



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Guest Garindan

yeah rogue squadron series should mean Rogue Squadron for the pc and Rogue Squadron for n64, they both play much differently, i got both of them and if you want to know any difference, just ask mememememememememmememememememememmemememememememememememmemememmemememmememememememememe.








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Well whatever you want it to mean, it was just a suggestion. If no sequel ever comes out for a long time and I don't hear differently, I'll change it back. I figured there was a chance at any rate.



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