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I have deleted all detagory remarks about SFA. And want to talk to all the potentials.



First of all Vanor and Diamond both are really good leaders, and have alot of creditals for leadership. Im sorry for never offically joining them, I wanted to stay neutral while they worked their butts off to make SFA. I had friends in both LSf and SFA and didn't want to get involved in poltical struggle. And I still have some friends I talk to in both groups. Also for those who have read I never meant to any personal attack on SFA, I was making a statement sorry if it came out totally wrong. Both to SFA and Diamond. Now I will say this I was upset with the personal attack Diamond did to on my message boards, which upset me that someone would attack about something they really never knew about nor bothered to find out both sides of the story. As the Christian bible says IF you judge others you yourself will be judged, Honestly I do live by that if others don't. Yes granted I did alot of things wrong as Diamond mentioned on my forums "Checkered past" Well everyone has one of those is all I can say, and also I did alot of things to make myself better than that person in the past. But it was never my intentions to make this a flame of SFA. It was my intentions of making admends with Vanor about a Video card 4 years ago? and wanting to pay him for something he never recieved like I said make admends. I don't want a appolgy from Diamond, but I think some things were taken too far on both sides, no matter if she points blame at me that is besides the point.


But I will say this, of all the leagues I have seen come and go, SFA has been one of the longest. Especially since XWA, and XvT is pretty much dead, not really sure about the jk2 part when I left LSF on my own accord due to personal problems within myself JK was just starting.


Now Vanor if you wish to email me to make this admend by me sending the money back please do my email is invader@dcm.dhs.org


P.S. Last note I have nothing against SFA in general nor it's membership or CoC. I also have meant nothing against SFA in general, Im sorry it did come out that way.


Glory to the Empire!! :)

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