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Idea concerning the Jedi Starfighter


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For future consideration:



The Republic has the Jedi Starfighter. Why not allow each Jedi Star Fighter have one Jedi Master as a pilot?


Furthering that, why not allow the Jedi to retain his turning powers inside the cockpit? (Cant do lightning right? :p)


I know balancing issues are key, but its just an idea.

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I thought it might be interesting to have a jedi pop out of the fighter if it goes down, though I don't really see turning working. I imagine the jedi are too busy controlling the fighter to try and turn something. Sure they can use the force when it comes to aiding their ability to fly or fire, since it's all keyed into what they're doing anyway. But trying to focus on getting into the mind of your opponent when you should be focusing on where you're going could be disasterous. Afterall, if it was that easy then why didn't Vader just start mind tricking rebels during the Battle of Yavin...



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Originally posted by EB_7

What ifs.

Why didn't ObiWan use force speed to get through the red shield walls to fight maul w/ Qui Gonn?

Lots of those scenarios, man. :)

I always figured he was force drained from his earlier fighting. :)



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um...what is force speed? Besides, no matter what it is, you cant simply run through a shield, it just isnt possible, no matter what 'force' ability you would be able to use.


EB-7 - i really dont think that the Jedi Starfighter being able to turn other units is a good idea. As someone else pointed out, they would be concentrating on flying, not other units.

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Darth Windu... Force Speed is a Jedi ability, which I think turned up originally in Jedi Knight but might have been conceived for the SW roleplaying game. If you watch the beginning of The Phantom Menace, you'll see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan sprint away from the Droidekas at superhuman speeds - this is the first appearance in the movies of Force Speed.


And I imagine that EB_7 meant that Kenobi should have used Speed to run through the energy gates before they closed. Seems a bit obvious, really... you did watch TPM, right?


Agree that Starfighters should be left how they are. I think of a Mind Trick as something quite personal, something relatively short-ranged - not a thing that can be achieved from the cockpit of a fast-moving starfighter. Then again, I don't know how a Jedi would mind-trick an entire walker crew, or change the allegiance of an automated Federation cannon droid. One more example of Sithmaster's model: game balance>realism . Sigh.

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D'blee although im flattered that you think i concieved the idea of gamepaly>realism but it was used by ensemble studios to justify what they did that didnt fit with history like giving Persians elephants in imperial age.


Windu, although you have already shown yourself to be not one of the most brilliant forumers, i will try to explain force speed. Its a jedi ability that allows its user to move at incredible speed using the force. This would have allowed Obi-wan to make it through the electron fields before they closed. Why he didn't? More than likely to enhance the storyline, just like why the gunship didnt fire on Dooku or the opposing fighters in Episode 2

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D'Blee, sithmaster - thanks for the info, i had absolutely no idea what force speed was (i only watch the movies, and GB is my first SW game), i though EB-7 meant runjing through the force-fields. Also, the reason that the gunship in ep2 didnt shoot down dooku or the fighters was because it was out of rockets, i remember that because Obi-Wan ordered to pilot to do just that.

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