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About Rouge Squadron

Guest Darth Prime

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Guest Darth Prime

I've got a problem with this game, too. I've been having to go to my aunt's house to babysit myt cousins, they have Rouge Squadron for both the N64 and CPU. I haven't been playing the N64 one because I'm a fleet admiral, but on the cpu, the mission I'm on is The Jade Moon, and like the Liberation of Gerrod VII (or whiivhever it was I can't remember), I'v been having a time and a half trying to beat it. SO, I was wondering, is there an easy way I can beat it.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Darth Prime

I don't believe this. I just now noticed that I misspelled Rogue in Rogue Squadron. I mean, I read some of the books with them in it, then, of course, I've played the first game (haven't seen the second one yet).

Now, is that pretty lame to not to have noticed it about a month after I started the topic or what?

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Guest Redwing

Well I concur that you should ask at RS.net :D (as I am a longtime member there so it's my job to recruit ;) )

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Guest Darth Prime

recruit? what? are yoo wanting me to join that or something? I don't know about any of you, but I seriously think it's lame if one misspells a word he or she has seen over and over and over. I can't believe I didn't notice it before.

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Guest Darth Prime

MadPoster, what are you talking about 'being executed'? You got me confused, and honestly, that's not too hard to do.

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Guest Darth Prime

MadPoster, what are you talking about? I seriously have no idea whatsoever on what you mean by 'being executed'?

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Guest Darth Prime

MadPoster, what ARE you getting AT??!!?!?!?!??! I don't know what you're talking about and I would like for someone to tell me before I lose it.

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Guest Darth Prime

Okay, that's it!!!!!!! MadPoster, I took all I could from you, and I can't take it anymore. I'v HAD IT!!!!!!!! I ask asked and asked you what you were getting at but would you tell me? NNNNNnnnnnnnnoooooo. You had to go and be a complete idiot as always. I can see now some people (MadPoster) have not matured yet. You've pushed me so far that I'm now considering leaving this board, just so I wouldn't have to put up with you, you no-good, worthless piece of cow flop!!!!!!!!!

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Maturity? Your talking about maturity?


I see you tried to take me seriously-





Ok, I obviously have to spell it out for you:


It was a JOKE. There was no meaning to it, there never will be. You could try what most people do and ignore me completly, or you can try to make sense of my nonsensicly rantings, and drive yourself crazy. The choice is yours, you don't like what I have to say, fine. That has no bearing in my life whatsoever. You could try to develope the humor side of your personality, you would definatly get along better in life.





I see the Binks Treatment has work! Take Captain Prime to the dungeon!!!!!!! :D

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Guest Darth Prime

there's only one problem: I DON'T have a sense of humor. And don't say I do, cause I already told you I don't have one. All I wanted was for you to tell me what you were getting at, but would you tell me? NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You had to keep this lame "joke" going and, according to me, make a complete retard of yourself. Also, if you were referring to me as Captain Prime (honestly, I don't know if you were referring to me or not), don't call me Captain, it's Darth, just like some of the other members here. I hope I get banned, just so I won't have to put up with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"there's only one problem: I DON'T have a sense of humor. And don't say I do, cause I already told you I don't have one. All I wanted was for you to tell me what you were getting at, but would you tell me? NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You had to keep this lame "joke" going and, according to me, make a complete retard of yourself. Also, if you were referring to me as Captain Prime (honestly, I don't know if you were referring to me or not), don't call me Captain, it's Darth, just like some of the other members here. I hope I get banned, just so I won't have to put up with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "


I mean this in the nicest way possible. Darth Prime: You're an idiot. Anyone who had half a brain could tell it was a joke. The fact that you freaked out over something that insignifigant and stupid just proves the fact that you're an idiot. And you don't have to hope to get banned...just stop comming here! If you hate it so much, dont come back. Sheesh. That has got to be the dumbest thing I've have ever read in my life...and don't bother freaking out over this either, because no one will read it and no one will care. My advice: Grow up. Normally, I wouldn't waste my time responding to something this stupid...but i just couldn't help it.

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Guest Darth Prime

ok. fine. have your way. I don't INTEND on coming back here. This doesn't mean I'm giving up this arguement, and if you're expecting me to apologize--think again! All I wanted MadPoster to do was explain to me what he was getting at....that's all!!! If he or she would've told me in the first place, none of this would've happened.

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