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Problem on the Executor SP map


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can someone tell me where to go?

right now i am in the huge drak room with 3 long bridges in it. 2 at the bottom and one running across them from above. i got on to the top bridge and killed the "really fast advance" reborn & the shadowtrooper located in a small round room at the end of the top bridge. but i cant figure out what to do next. little bit stuck.

thx anyone.


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sorry, maybe ill start from the beginning.

i download the Executor map 1&2 from jediknightII.net and installed it. at the beginning there is a huge room where u will have some rebels and a jedi-trainer helping u out. kill the troopers in the room and advance through the door with the security lock. next is the big dark room i was talking about in the 1st post. run across the bridge and im in another room with troopers & reborns, kill them and i went through the door on the right as supposed to the way i came in. another room with t & reborn. this time they have rockets. afther killing them, i went through the door on the right of this room. noticed i have made right and another right, so i am now back in the drak room but this time on the other side of it. goin along this 2nd bridge i see a little floating platform near the birdge with some troopers in it. i jump off the birdge on the platform. then i c another one floating a littler higher but enough for me to jump on it. left to the 2nd platform was a elevator that brought me up to another bridge. (the top bridge in the frist post) one end there is a reborn, killed it, the other end is a locked gate. but there r 2 doors on both side of the gate that r off the birdge. some troopers open the doors and shot me. kill them. only the door on the left is close enough 2 jump off the bridge and still get to it. behind the door is a hallway which leads to the round room. (in 1st post). after killing the reborn i have no clue what to do. i bascily went through the entire map again and pressing E on all the door i see, but nothing happens.


what do i do? anyone?


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