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Ok, one of the last ones I'll post for help, for a long time

flight wing

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I take it you are on the map Artus topside.


You can't get in ANY of the AT-ST's.

Kil every enemy in the room with the AT-ST's in and go down to the bottom (use a lift, throw yourself of the edge, whatever).

You should see a little door directly across from the big main door.

Go through it.


See if you can figure the rest out yourself. If you get stuck e-mail me and I'll take you through it step by step.

Good luck, mate.

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No you can't drive any of the AT-ST's in this level.


But if you come across one later in the game (I'm not going to tell you where ;) ) that has an open hatch, you can use that one by jumping on top of it, while standing over the hatch hit your use key... VIOLA your are now a AT-ST driver :)

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