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how did raven weight down the reborn hood/head


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I have tried weighting the mesh of the reborn head/hood onto my skeleton and it goes out of shape when the skeleton moves. what should i try weighting the mesh to (which bone?). If I dont weight every vertice to a singe bone my model wont compile.

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Thanx so much sithlord. Its great that a good modeler like yourself can help the n00bs.

I managed to work out that I had multiple skin modifiers on the same mesh, which was no doubt my problem cus everything works now. The head now works but I cant work out how to close this gap up ( http://www.redgamer.com/gap.jpg ) When I move the legs of the skeleton the waist opens up. I have tried everything I know to weight it down properly... Can you help me once more?

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double check your weights, it looks like you have accidentally weighted teh hips area to the femur bones. i try to have any parts at seams, ie shoulders on either side from torso to arms, i try to have them all weighted to the same bone. So, i would recommend at that point simply use the Pelvis bone across taht line of vertices witht he Paint Weights function within the skin modifier.

One further word of advice: you can apply an edit mesh modifier to a mesh after the skin modifier, meaning you can touch up some parts of the model if you choose to, after the skin modifier. However, what you cannot do is weld or delete any verts as this will affect the Skin modifier's weighting, and result in errors, meaning you will either have to remove the edit mesh modifier or redo the weighting.

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