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combining uvwmaps


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say i want both the hand uvwmaps in the same .jpg file, im not sure what the exact steps are to get them together

if i attach them together, map them and unwrap them together, then convert the map to .jpg, then do i delete the uvwmap and unwrap modifiers and detach them and then what? unwrap them again or something?

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If you want to use the exact same skin for both hands, (ie, a skin image that only has one hand in it, rather than two), just delete one hand, then Mirror it, I beleive in GMax the mirror type is "Reference" for that kind of thing, dunno bout 3dsmax. If you do it that way, you then apply the skin to one hand, and it automatically applies it mirrored to the other hand.


But I'm a newbie to modelling, so that might not be what you need :)

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Brad, yea thats not what im asking, i know about mapping half the model and cloning to the other side to not have to map both sides, thanks anyways.


Lord, im dont quite understand, how can they share an image when theyve been mapped seperately?

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ah nevermind, i figured it out

what i did was map them seperately, attach them together, unwrap them together and make a .jpg of them, detach them and unwrap them seperately again, so the maps arent overlapping and they can share a .jpg.

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