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Gooey: Post ALL Modeling Tutorials HERE


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Hey, I dont think it's a good Idea doing it like this. Sure we need a sticky with all the tutorials, but we shouldn't do it so that every1 posts tutorials. We'd rather do it more organized so people can check this thread by only looking at the keywords. I could send u a bunch of tutorials oraganized under keywords and u can post for a sticky thread with other peoples tutorial. Just give me a day or so and I'll find the tutorials and pick the best of them.

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Definatly make this sticky, here goes, there are tons of links :D


Great Modeling community



A great Modeling community as well, tutorials for everything immagineable



Milkwave: animator, modeler, game format converter



gmax: Discreet’s “lite” and free version of 3D Studio Max



Many MANY Tutorials, most for the Quake III engine (which JO is built off);f=3;t=000040


Some good tutorials, a FANTASTIC video breakdown of UV Mapping, a must download



Great Tutorial on modeling, written bluntly, but very easy to understand



More for skiners, great Tutorial on creating photorealistic textures



I have many many more, I have to sort through them though first


CT :lightning

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Spread the word - http://www.jk2models.cjb.net


Tooces I have added your bookmarks and mentioned you as the source thanks. Keep em coming as I will put the links on the site so that ppl won't have to go through the whole thread once it gets a bit bigger. And anyway most of the links have originated from this and other JK2 forums.



thanks again Toonces, they are great links. Especially the skinning one. I'll try to organise the Tutorials section better, I kept it very basic because I diddn't think I'd fill the page so soon.

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