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Dessan too easy? *possible spoiler*


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I can't play JK2 but I gotta say, if you can kill a boss just by cutting down a pillar, then thats just pathetic for a final boss. But I would love to see that happen against Jerec.


Jerec: "You cannot defe......"


Pillar falls on him, game over.




But seriously, can you tell me how powerful Desann is comphered to Jerec? It'd give me a real good idea on how powerful he really is.

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Desann is such a bitch. His grip is unbreakable. His lightning keeps you from doing anything except jumping out of the way. He's lightning proof (I dumped 20 pools of lightning on him) He's grip proof. He's throw proof. He's nearly push and pull proof. His push and pull are unblockable. He jumps on your head. Frack he's cheap. I play him in ladder though, so maybe that's it. I didn't even know about the force stream. I just kept going at it. I think it was like 8 times when I first fought him.


Tavion beat me a few times. Now she's easy. I was playing in a store once and getting frustrated. I cheated to get level 3 grip and push. I then tossed her in the air to end her life. I'm better with yellow now. I can't seem to push her off the cliff though. I really tried.


Galak was eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy. I don't understand why you guys had so much trouble. I didn't even know you could disable his shield. I just shot him till it collapsed, sabered him a bit. Then shot him some more. Repeat until dead.


OK I should sleep now.

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Originally posted by gonk-raider

more story on that is orginaly harrison ford was apose to have a big fight sceen but he just impravised and shot the guy.. the director liked it so much the desided to go with that



Although that is true, it isn't the whole truth. Harrison Ford had a pretty bad case of the flu that day, meaning he couldn't be running around much for extended periods of time without throwing up. So he spoke to Spielburg about it and they decided to change it around a bit. Although it was still intended to be won by hand to hand combat rather than with the gun. The gun was Harrison's idea that he thought up on the spur of the moment.


They had that on Muchmusic yesterday as he was to come on the station for an interview today (which i didn't watch).

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ha....desann? i killed him my 2nd try on jedi- he used saber throw, i rolled under it, and did a light lunge, it connected, switched to medium and did the finisher, landed on the other side and killed him with a heavy backsweep....looked pretty damn sweet...this was before i knew how strong those moves are, btw, not like i just intended to spam em... the third time i fought him i used dismembermet- he jumped, i activated my saber, his head landed on the blade and, well..

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i used force speed on galak, one or two swipes from the saber takes down his shield. with force speed on you can just sache around him and heavy slash his generator. in comparison to desann, desann is a hellavalot harder. sometimes he is such a grip lightning whore. i beat him in the first couple of tries since i took it to him. tavion's just a little b***h, because she talks too much s**t thus inspiring me to give her a cosmic arse whoopin. all in all, desann tough, galak not so tough (many methods to beat him) tavion whiny b***h.

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Originally posted by Faye Ying

jerec was a hell of alot harder


and it took me a while to realize i could stop those facking statues from closing in on the force stream :o


:D I never actually beat Jerec. I just kinda...skipped to the cutscene. Y'know, fast-forward. :D

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Originally posted by Pedantic

:D I never actually beat Jerec. I just kinda...skipped to the cutscene. Y'know, fast-forward. :D


i beat him several ways actually


1) old fashioned sabered him to death by also stopping the pillars and slowly draining his power

2) force speed (lasts a hell of a lot longer) force destruction and rail charges and concussion rifle to finish him off when he's running for the force stream


originally posted by (er, i forgot hahahha)fight Jerec while on the dark side on hard. Jerec is ****en hard to beat then

just kill him how i did. refer to point # 2

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I tried to beat Jerec as a darksider but he would always finish me off by this way.


Get my health down with a few lucky slash's, Force jump into the air, I'm saying "where the hell did he go?" just as he gets to the top of the chamber, finish's me off with a bolt of Force lighting or a blast of Destruction. I decided to stick with the light side with Protection and Heal on my side.

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haha...omg...i just killed desann again...actually, i didnt kill him. he killed himself. it was a disgrace to the Vader skin he was using...


well there is a boulder in that battle area that he can pull (or push) and if it hits you its an instant kill. well he tried to use pull on me, the boulder went flying twords me, missed me, hit a pillar, cut straight through that, and the plillar landed ontop of him and killed him. i didnt take a single swing...

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i dunno if u guys knew this but u can actually win him without touching him

i trained my mind trick to my strongest possible(used it whenever n wherever i can) n when i reached desann, i juz tried mind trick on desann n he was in my control juz like a normal stormtrooper.

i was surprised and i went to chop down the pillar which fell n killed him. guess the developers overlooked this huh.

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This talk about using cheats reminds me of something that I did a while back. I'd like to state that I'm not one of those annoying hackers and only use them in SP after I've beaten the game 1 or 2 times. Heres what happened.


It was the last level in JK. The fight against Jerec had started and first of all I used the cheat to stop the Ai from attacking, I got a few stepps infront of the froze Jerec and then used the cheat to give me all weapons. I set 30 sequence charges a few stepps infront of Jerec, walked back to where the statue was and turned off the cheat that stopped Jerec from attacking. He started to walk towards me and...KKKAAA-BBBOOOOOOMMM. Jerec was blown skyhigh and it was all over. It was really funny since I had struggled really hard to beat Jerec the first few times around.


I always find something funny when I use cheats after I've beat the game.

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Desann is hard if you ever try spawning him (with cheats on, spawn npc desann) or fighting him in the ladder level (good map by the way, one of the first). He will force lightning you like crazy and do a REALLY CHEAP grip that can't be force push out of. Worse it takes like 40 health ponts off of you. Also once in awhile it does the backstab from MP! Yes that's right, he pulls you over and while you're getting up he backstabs you or he saber throw (it hovers over you) and if you're playing with g_saberrealisticcombat. Then you're dead...

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