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Tragin Galo: cutscene and gameplay screenshots


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Hi guys:D


I've been working a little while now on my sp campaign.


You play as Tragin Galo.

A Jedi. Father of two sons named jotham and kolar.


For years they have lived in the mountains in hiding.


But why?


Tragin Galo is the WIP name at the moment but it will probebly change:)


I have just finished my website, it has information and the screenshots


check it out!:D



please Let me know what you think of the screens:D

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In the console, enter the command "bind o screenshot" (replacing the "o" with whatever key you want to be your screenshot key)


Then, in the game, press that key. It will save a file as (I believe) shot0001.jpg (will increase in number each time you press the key) in your GameData/base/screenshots folder.

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The level looks great and all, but RichDiesal might agree when I point out that on the cliff face of the first page and from the cutscene, the wall is too repetitive... try blending different wall textures to make it look a little more realistic... but overall, map looks great, can't wait to play the campaign...

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

nice job! looks cool, very cool

i love the chair on page 3.

tee hee hee!:D


Thanks im glad you like it:D


Originally posted by Andy867

The level looks great and all, but RichDiesal might agree when I point out that on the cliff face of the first page and from the cutscene, the wall is too repetitive... try blending different wall textures to make it look a little more realistic... but overall, map looks great, can't wait to play the campaign...


I agree and i am working on it:)

Whats happend though is that the fact that the map is not lighted properly kinda makes the clifface seem much more bold than it actually is:) I have tested it with lighting at an earlier stage and what happens is the combination of dense fog and proper lighting makes the cliff seem much much more natural:)



Originally posted by diretan

I wanna play your map DUDE!! Please release it for public Beta test :)


Beta test should be ready fairly soon:). It probebly wont be very soon though as i'll be very busy over the next 2 weeks with colledge. Give me 3 weeks and i should have the first section of part one(it will be done in several maps to cut down on framerate)finished and ready for beta:D


Bear in mind though that this first section is only around 30% of part one:D

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Ok guys the original screenshots probebly showed off the architecture more than gameplay or cutscenes so here are some brand new cutscene and gameplay screens just for you guys:D


Please bear in mind that again that the levels are not lighted yet:D, im also temporarily using the jedi/default skin but this will probebly be changed:)








Pic 1:Who's that shadowy figure in the background? could it be tragin?


pic 2:Tragins xwing apraoches takal, also known as "zero visibility"










Thats it for now!:D

more screens when it's fully lighted:)


Let me know what you think:D

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