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config files!


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I need a little help with some scripting!


I'm have trouble with my keyboard when I'm tring to make the foward leap attack move in strong stance so i was thinking could i assign this move to designated key or what? and if possible how??


And do any of you know a place where i can download other config files so i can see what i s possible and what not??

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sorry my friend I didn't realize that you where so uptite about the subject but to make it every thing clear i play SP because I hate the fact that lucas arts never make a coop jedi game!


So basiclly what is the cheating in that huh?? and for you information my keyboard is known for its faulty spacebar and other keys and the fact that it runs down the batteries to fast. But thank you for going out on a limb here and trying to trust me in what I'm trying tosay but maybe your just hard headed to maybe think some body is telling the truth!


So sorry but if someone else would be so kind and help me then i would be gratefull.

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i thought u were talking about mp. but anyway its not a good idea to ask for a sollution in sp that could be used in mp too. i dont care what u do in sp all day long. but if we post scripts for special moves here it wont do any good to the online jk2 gaming community...

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The code for COLOR saber cycling is:


set change1 "color1 0;;bind 0 vstr change2"

set change2 "color1 1;;bind 0 vstr change3"

set change3 "color1 2;;bind 0 vstr change4"

set change4 "color1 3;;bind 0 vstr change5"

set change5 "color1 4;;bind 0 vstr change6"

set change6 "color1 5;;bind 0 vstr change1"

bind 0 vstr change1


This isn't a cheat. It allows you to cycle through the saber colors, in rainbow order, in the game. It hasn't crashed my game yet.


I am running an AMD 1.9ghz w/ a DDR board (ECS), 512mb DDR RAM, GeForce3 64mb DDR RAM, Two HD's; 40 and 60GB.


I test files on an AMD 600mhz Asus, 128mb SD RAM, ATI Xpert (cost $15 US), and a 13gb HD.

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