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problem with prefabs????????


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I posted about this before. The prefabs that came with the tools are to be used with models. Models are not solid, therefore you need to use these prefabs with the clip textures on them in conjunction with a model so that you can't walk through the model.


Ex. if your using the x-wing model, you should also be using the x-wing prefab with the clip texture place in the exact same spot as the x-wing model.

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The models are in the assets0.pk3 file. You use models by making a a misc_model. Right click on the grid in radiant and then select>misc>misc_model. Key:model, Value:pathname of the model, starting with models (models/*/*/*.md3)


You may want to unzip the assets0.pk3 to find the appropriate pathname and the name of the md3 model you want.

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ive tried that, i placed the prefab and the misc_model in the same place, the model had the correct pathname etc.

i linked them with ctrl+k but nuthin was there on my map


by the way ur a-wingis awesome, thats in my new map as well, its really good

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You don't need to link the 2. Make sure that in the view menu you have Show>misc_models selected. Also when you make your misc_models entity you shouldn't have anything else already selected. You should be able to see the model as it will appear in game so long as you have your view setting set up right as mentioned before, move it in to position where you want it. Then move the clip texture prefab in place so that you won't be able to walk through the model.


Thanks for the compliment on the a-wing, my slave 1 will be better though.

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