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Hydroball Bug Screenshot


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Hi I wasnt sure where to put this,but I have a really cool Hydroball screenshot. It happened when playing Hydroball on a server with a bunch of jk2 players. The ball got stuck to the saber and had a very cool effect. http://www.angelfire.com/games3/XboxPics/Hydroballbug.jpg


BTW I needed a fast image hosting and thats an old site I never went thru with making. I'll post more later. Have Fun.

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Yeah, one time the ball got stuck to my saber too. Everyone in the game started asking where the ball was, then when they saw me standing by the glass with the ball stuck on the saber they were all screaming at me to turn my saber off or kill myself, even though it didn't do any good. Everyone in the water had to kill themselves to restart the match.

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When I was playing Hydro Ball the other day, this happened to me. Only, it wasnt the ball that got stuck to me; It was npc Jan. I was running around for ages with her stuck on me and I couldnt get her off. The only way I finaly got rid of her was when I jumped into the water for the next match. So next time a ball gets stuck on you, do that: Maybe it will solve the problem.

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