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a few ideas from a semi-newb

Lord_Rive x

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to keep from getting flamed to death on this, my first post ever, i wanna say that i love the stuff that ppl are making to expand this game......the talent of some of these ppl boggles the mind......really guys keep the good work up!!!


alright now that is done all i can say is i cant play online "with ppl" quite yet but ive been having a great time trying out new mods/maps/skins with bots only. i thought id get a few ideas out for those of yall who have the power but dunno what to make:



i NEED a yoda char, hopefully with the new patch(1.04 thats now out) its possible to make him real size, not a giant and this will also help for getting ewoks and chars such as watto into the game. yoda is my favorite dude in the whole saga. i hope he CAN be made.


where are the star wars chars? i see of the regulars/well knows from the movie, but i want a jedi counsil pack with that buggy eyed dude and green skin, dunno his name yet. or maybe something with princess leia or a c3p0.


maybe go a lil more cross platform. get some console game chars in, or tv/movie stars (after the star wars chars plz plz)



im really pleased with the ideas ppl have for levels, i havent seen it here yet but the river of blood mp stage that massassi has is awsome looking and same with the kamino that has the indoor sections....but the stuff that gets ppl is the stuff that isnt just a square it's stufff that has life and makes you beleive your in a new place!!! by both design and looks


id love to see for mp:

-a grassy knol area from the droid/gungan battle ep.1

-the house that anikin and amidala are in in ep.2 when luke has his nightmare about his mom

-a stage that takes place in or around that jedi counsil building in both ep.1 and 2


im still not much into sp games, but mainframe was pretty awsome



-and finally the mods:

this is the most diverse catagory in that it can effect ever aspect of the game


i think it may already exist but dismemberment in mp would be huge, ppl would give and arm and a leg for that i bet (no pun intended)


animations for using double saber (staff saber) so your not poking yourself all the time. might wanna lower power a bit since you will be using two sides instead of the one so that single bladers would stand a chance. as it is now, both sides are just as strong which doubles the time it and power of just a few hits.


back to my yoda addiction; if they get the small yoda to work theyll need to fix the saber to be lower then normal chars and stll be held right and such..........probably a major job at the least


ok ok im tired of typing so thank you if youve read this far.....plz accept my ideas with open hands :D

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Oddly enough, it's multiplayer characters that do not seem to be able to be resized. The Yoda model, which will be of the correct size in SP, is two meters tall in MP. As for Watto, well, this is a good question. Things that fly are possible [such as a probe droid], but can we get humanoids to fly? That could be an interesting mod, so if nothing else I thank you for putting that idea out there. Imagine the tactics of having to suddenly fight an airborne opponant. Of course it could be abused, but I think it would add, no pun intended, a whole new dimension to gameplay tactics.


Moving on, to your idea of maps.... I don't believe Luke had a dream anywhere in Episode II, but if you're referring to the Naberrie ranch in the Lake Country on Nabboo, I'm sure someone will get around to it eventually; if nothing else, we might see it in the AotCTC. I like the idea of the field on Nabboo as well, although that might be a hair more difficult [such as how to handle the borders].


As far as other Jedi go, be patient, and hunt around on the models and skins pages. You'll find some of the truly great Jedi are already being worked on, as we speak. Also, you'll find a good number of unique Jedi out there, such as Tyrion or Kel Adran'aryn, who is in my opinion the best original idea and presentation of that idea that is available.


I don't recall any of your other ideas offhand, so I'll leave it at this. Hope I've been at least vaguely helpful.

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hey Harukaze thx for the support but i just wanna clearify a few things:


i know about the oddjob factor for small chars in mp but i was saying that hopefully its possible now that the 1.04 patch has been released.


yea i have seen a few of the counsil members mace and so on but i want a pack of the whole council so i can recreate the large sand collaseum fight from episode 2


and yea its that ranch i was talking about, i just suck with name


i wansnt saying i need a double saber (i have the toggledual one) but they need new animations because its a different weapon......as is it stabs your char everytime you do and over head swing, but i have gotten use to use it and can use both sides now.


ok i guess that raps it all up thx

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WTF are u talking about !





the so called 1.04 is just the sdk compiled!


it has just a few changes and is the 1.03a patch!


It has nothing to do with the model scale.


Model resizing is possible with or without any patch...

A coder has to create a mod that allows scaling the models and that's not easy to do.


For the double saber animation, you still don't know what you are talking about : you have to create all the new animations and curently no one has been able to create a gla file (the animations).


So please before posting threads like this just try to understand what you are talking about....

Btw all your "ideas" have been mentionned before.

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Originally posted by Tchouky

WTF are u talking about !





the so called 1.04 is just the sdk compiled!


it has just a few changes and is the 1.03a patch!


It has nothing to do with the model scale.


Model resizing is possible with or without any patch...

A coder has to create a mod that allows scaling the models and that's not easy to do.


For the double saber animation, you still don't know what you are talking about : you have to create all the new animations and curently no one has been able to create a gla file (the animations).


So please before posting threads like this just try to understand what you are talking about....

Btw all your "ideas" have been mentionned before.


You know. That was rather rude considering that it's his first time on the boards.


And I don't see how you could possibly know that there won't be a 1.04 patch. Unless you work for Raven. Plus, I'm sorta hopin that the expansion pack (if they decide to do it) will add the double saber animations. Seeing as Raven is about the only people that can make it for this game so far.


You know.... I came to these boards when I decided to start mapping and whatnot for JK2 and have met some rather nice people in the process. I was a newb once. We all were. So think about that before you go flaming a newb for having a ****in thought process.


my .02.

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Tchouky - play nice :tsk:


Lord_Rive x welcome to the jk2.net forums, I hope you enjoy your stay!! Please accept this "jk2.net welcome basket" filled with endless ammounts of goodies which you can snack on while browsing our forums!! :D :D :D


Please don't mind Tchouky, I bet he was just having a bad day... as for your ideas, you sure got some really nice ones it's just too bad that some aren't completely possible or will take a good while before things like that become a reality.


Cheers ;)

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yep i m sorry ...

I was having a bad day !


but for the patch, raven wants to do a new one but lucasarts doesn't ( and as you know they decide).

A few people (and me) mailed some raven's programmer and they generally said "no there won't be any other patch" or "I hope so but..." or "no comment" .


You can beleive what you want but i don't really think there will be a new patch.

I hope there will of course !

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