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Hit detection in single player


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I'm not shure exactly what you meen about hit detection...

The things you can change in singleplayer are VERY limited.

Basicaly the only stuff you can modify about the guns (right now anyway...

and without hacking the .dlls which i think violates the licence agreement)

is fireing rate, animations, ammo usage and range.

(you might be able to make say the bryar fire bowcaster shots im not shure...)

Im afraid anything realy interesting like hit detection is out.


I too am a little annoyed about the guns in general.

Even with the limited options available I am currently working on

a small mod that among other things makes guns act more like they

do in the movies. It looks fairly promising so far.

If i can get it balanced properly I will release it.

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It's not the hit detection that sucks, infact that is awesome and very accurate. It's just the poor, poor accuracy and the fact that it takes many hits to kill guys. In my SP level, I'm reducing health so 1-2 blaster shots at the most kills a guy.

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Yes its not the hit detection that is the problem actualy.

I often see examples of the very good hit detection such as shots going between an enemys legs or even sometimes between his arm and body.


Its also not the inacuaracy its the slower than molasses shot speed which

makes it insanly hard to hit a dodging target.

Its easy to change for multiplayer but with no singleplayer SDK... :mad:


My mod is like yer singleplayer level. I have it tweaked fairly good,

I have played throught most of the game with it and it doesnt make the guns too strong it just makes them usable :) Saber combat is still often the way to

go but now its actualy possible to use guns later on without getting yourself



Im also tweaking the AI to make the enemy's combat behaviors

more varied and realistic. Its coming out very nice.

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You're right Joben. It's the innaccuracy of some things like the E-11, because you're spraying shots all over, and they often go right through the legs or whiz by your enemy's head.


And you're right, the blasters are slow moving. It's difficult to hit someone especially while you're both strafing. The blasters move at the proper speed, same as in the movies, unlike JK1's uber slow blasters that really sucked. I like it, though, because it makes them much more challenging to use in SP rather than a more realistic bullet gun. I get great satisfaction out of picking off a guy above me using the bryar's 2ndary fire and getting a headshot.


I haven't looked into the AI very much yet, but if you've made combat manuevers and such more realistic, I would very much like to know more about it. PM me, e-mail me at emon1337@yahoo.com or contact me on ICQ with 35960628 or AIM with JediMasterEmon. Thanks. :)

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Originally posted by Emon

I haven't looked into the AI very much yet, but if you've made combat manuevers and such more realistic, I would very much like to know more about it. PM me, e-mail me at emon1337@yahoo.com or contact me on ICQ with 35960628 or AIM with JediMasterEmon. Thanks. :)


Nothing quite that interesting, the changes i have so far while noticable

and nice (IMHO) are not exactly spectacular. With no SDK adding

new SP stuff is of course basicaly imposible, however the npcs.dat file

has quite a list of option and variables.

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Originally posted by Emon

The blasters move at the proper speed, same as in the movies, unlike JK1's uber slow blasters that really sucked.


I don't agree, compared to the movies those blasters are way too slow, they should increase propagation rate atleast twice that of what it is now until it fits the movies.


There is also the factor of realism, noone would make a weapon that is THAT slow, and an E-11's effective range is 100m and maximum 300m.


Giong by SW history, bullet weapons ruled the battlefields, until blasters, going by J2K, thats false.


As for accuracy, well they are plasma weapons, and that could be hard to aim accurately.

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Well said. You nailed my thoughts on the subject exactly.


Its pretty easy to mod for multiplayer, it took me about 5 min.

including compiling. Most of the projectiles travel at about 1300-1500 units*,

i uped them all to 5000, it feels pretty similar but its now actualy possible to

use them at range. :fett:


*The flechet gun is the main exeption it shoots at 3500.

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Wrong. They are not half as slow. Watch the movies again, you'll notice. It's hard to tell when you are shooting from behind the gun because there is no depth perception on your monitor. When watching from the side, it appears that they move much faster.


BTW, 1,500 units would be 152 feet per second. That's 103 miles/hour, pretty fast. Your speed is over 350 miles/hour, the ones in the movies definatly do not move that fast.

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Originally posted by Emon

Wrong. They are not half as slow. Watch the movies again, you'll notice. It's hard to tell when you are shooting from behind the gun because there is no depth perception on your monitor. When watching from the side, it appears that they move much faster.


Take the TPM battlescene, the blaster bolts there move frickin' fast.


Also blaster bolt speeds have been shown to vary, and the further to the target, the faster they seem to go, they probably have range finders wich tie in the electromagntic rail system in order to maximize energy efficiency, or it could be directly linked to the power settings of the weapons, unfortunately there are no powersettings on the weapons in JK2, but overall they move too slowly, they fit some close range examples but not all examples.


In conclusion, blaster bolts do move alot faster and since E-11's can have a maximum range of 300m it means they must be usable at such ranges.


And it's always the realism side too, as I said no one in their right mind would use such a slow moving weapon, that is unless it really isn't as slow.


BTW, 1,500 units would be 152 feet per second. That's 103 miles/hour, pretty fast. Your speed is over 350 miles/hour, the ones in the movies definatly do not move that fast.


Like in AOTC where the blaster bolt's going overhead traversed the armies in seconds?


Feet and miles mean nothing to me, clarify.

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1. The E-11's range is 300m, that means that's how far the bolt can move before dissapating.


2. In AotC, some of the blasers move really fast, some are like lasers. Most of it is the fact that you don't have depth perception on your CRT, so things appear to move a lot slower. In the moves all the shots are shown from the side, in JO you are are shooting from behind, it appears to move slower. Have someone shoot their blaster right by your head in JO and they'll seem to move much faster.

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One of the Things I wish someone would do is make Them hold THe e11 blaster up to there Shoulder It looks to stuiped holding it down on your side while fireing like your Rambo or something It would look alot better mounted on your shoulder I would love that..

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Originally posted by DireTan

One of the Things I wish someone would do is make Them hold THe e11 blaster up to there Shoulder It looks to stuiped holding it down on your side while fireing like your Rambo or something It would look alot better mounted on your shoulder I would love that..


I would like to say that while you have a bit of a point that the E-11 to my

knoledge has no riflestock, just the pistolgrip. Also while in the movies ppl

ocasinaly fire it held up and/or out they often fire it from the hip.

Come to think of it does the thing even have sights? ...I think its designed

to be just a 'spray the whole area' assault rifle type thing.


What disturbs me more is that the bryar pistol which is supposed to be so

accurate has no sights and not even a barrel per say to sight along.

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1. The E-11's range is 300m, that means that's how far the bolt can move before dissapating.


Yes but the optimal range is 100m.


2. In AotC, some of the blasers move really fast, some are like lasers. Most of it is the fact that you don't have depth perception on your CRT, so things appear to move a lot slower. In the moves all the shots are shown from the side, in JO you are are shooting from behind, it appears to move slower. Have someone shoot their blaster right by your head in JO and they'll seem to move much faster.


I've seen bolts in the game move from the side and other angles, they are still too slow compared to the movies, I am trying to set the speed to 7000 now and see what I get out of it...

And there is still the matter of the movies showing varying velocities depending on range to target, an interesting fact.

And ofcourse it's the realism factor(yes again).

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