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Kung Fu TC needing modelers


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question: What is a prefab?

weapons: I'll get right on it.

details: currently only a multiplayer mod. once we think of a solid storyline we might go single player. characters will have a "matrix jedi look" to them. probably will have crazy kung fu moves like in CTHD or The Matrix, running on walls, supernatural abilities, etc. we also need animators and coders (i think). we will be using lightsabers and I will have an original design for the default saber.

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hmm, that's not quite what i had in mind... it doesn't look like you'll have much use for me anyway. i'm not sure how you're planing to get the animations... from what i hear no one has/knows how to use softimage, but it sounds cool. the wall running should be doable though, but you'll need a coder.

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If you're kung fu mod is anything close to Kenneth's over at the Max Payne HQ (http://www.maxpayneheadquarters.com)


It'd be awesome!


You'd have to code for basic punches, straight, reverse, back hand, upper cut, hook punches.


And kicks, side kick, heel, round, back, toe


And you'd have to code for grabs, joint locks,


Next is footwork and stances hehe


lots of work!!


And then people will want weapons like sticks, swords, chain whips, other techniques like throws and tosses, acrobatic moves like floor somersaults and rolls,


Good luck, I'm still n00bin my 3dmax n photoshop skillz.

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I have Max Payne and I love Kenneth's mod. I want it to be like that (in my mind, I don't know about CademiaX) but with more moves than Kenneth's so you can kick some major ass. The only thing different are the weapons you suggested. They will be more futuristic guns rather than sticks and such.

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yeah but Kenneth's mod doesn't have enough moves. I think we should add more than what he has. Possibly even different styles. Speaking of which what styles are you studying right now? I've studied a little of taijiquan and xingyiquan. I also studied some Jeet Kune Do.

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We now officially have a story line. It even fits witht the Star Wars Trilogy theme. Three sequel eps and we could follow it up with 3 prequel eps. So we need a whole bunch of people. Anybody who is even slightly interested please e-mail Bobby Cademia so we can get this thing going.


and bump:D

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well i'm planning to do a vampire TC and have a small team up..

including a coder, 2 mappers and a character/weapons modeler (me).. 1 coder is about to join us

i wanted to add martial arts in the way you were talking about it.. but i only studied shin son hap ki do(korean mix) for like 1 and a half year or so...

my tc is intended to be modern days tho (no jedi or starwars stuff) and its going to be more roleplaying than singleplayer...

just tell me if youre interested and we might get together on irc and talk about it, just to see if it would be of any use to work together

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