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Multiplayer on a 56K....Oh it gets worse....


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Well, the PC I have been talking about all this time, finally got it, using it right now :). AMD XP 1900, It's scrumptious! JK2 runs wonderfully right now, I am using Geforce1 temporarily, but of course that will change :D. Well anyway, I wanted to know if any of you know a way where I can actually maintain a playable ping, with JK2. I mean I haven't playing JK2 on a 56k until today, and it was brutal, I'm sure using AOL 7.0 *Using AOL period* doesn't make it any better, but can anyone help me out with my ping, maybe tell me some freeware out there that works that can speed up my connection? Or any console commands? I would appreciate it alot. Thanks.

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