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New to JKII Outcast? Dont do it!


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If you are new to JKII Outcast, dont do it. Now that I have you confused and I have your attention, Ill tell you what not to do. Dont use cheat codes your first time. Get the patch and then play through the first time on Jedi level. Solve the puzzles without looking them up. Look around. Try everything.


Why do I post this? Ive finished the game without using cheats or codes. It was the most fun experience at a computer Ive had in a while. WHen you finally figure out that puzzle that has been bugging you for an hour (can you say the "swamp"?) you will get a great feeling. After you solve the game and know where all the enemies are and so on, then feel free to break out the codes and play a bit.


But I highly advise you to solve it once without reading any codes or cheats. Dont deprive yourself.


I also highly advise members of this forum to give out hints instead of spoilers.

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right on.

using cheats the first time does no good, as it renders the game boring and beats the purpose of cheats. as you'll find, there are certain areas that are more fun to use cheats on then other.

p.s. bluezman and Derisor, how do you encrypt spoilers??? I don't like to write them plain, but i have no choice. can you or anyone else help? thankx.

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