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Phunen ey

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I've only been here for a little more than a week now and I've noticed that some of you guys really know what you are talking about.


Are there any servers out there that the regulars here frequently play on? By this I mean a server that a bunch of regulars go to at approximately the same time to battle each other. I would like to be able to meet you guys on the battlefield sometime because I'm starting to get a little bored of the lame backwards+attack people I'm seeing all over the place in FFA games, they're too easy to kill as long as you're not the victim. Once in a while I'll see 1 person who is a legitimate saberist and I always try and find him/her to duel with so I can expand my tactics and knowledge.


I'm a willing to learn padawan and the only way for me to learn is to play people whom are much better than I.


If you can either list an IP or the sever name I'll stop by tonight sometime.



(the clan tag is from a Q3 clan I belong to... I'm not that good... yet :D)

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