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Desann disappointing?!?!?!?


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I just finished JKII and was a little let down with regards to the Desann fight. I played on the Jedi level and don't consider myself an expert on the game or w/ a lightsaber. After playing for several weeks I finally reached Desann this morning. I was able to take him down in about 30 seconds. At least to me, he was not much harder to defeat than a shadowtrooper. Maybe Jedi Knight or Master level will be a little more difficult. Anyone else think this final battle was relatively easy compared to the rest of the game?

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yeah, like yoda_623 said, desann is a big let down. of course, that only counts if you played him right. apparently, you did. for more interesting and maybe more inventive and time consuming strategies, see my pathetic thread titled "poll: about desann". no, theres no poll, but it contains a lot of hints and tips. have fun. if you find a better way, please post it. good luck.

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I actually fought him again to see if I found him so easy a second time. This time I was killed twice before defeating him. He threw his saber at me....while his saber was in mid-air, I hit force speed and got a couple of good hits on him. This was enough to weaken him and rest was a piece of cake. No special strategy, just a straight up light saber duel with some force powers thrown in there.

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Yeah well its lightsaber combat like you guys supposedly wanted, not macth of hit points, so if you make the right moves at the right time then of course you can win in 30 seconds or 5 seconds.

Raven based the combat as realistic as possible so hey, so put that crying your pocket and save it for later

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i wonder why Lucasarts can't make game based off the star wars movie and them as good as games such as JK2. I mean, they're making the clone campaigns, bounty hunter, knights of the old republic, etc. But I want a game based of AOTC or TPM or something. Ik now there is a TPM game, but they should make a better one, that one was kinda easy, too.

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