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Unrobed Corran Horn for SP


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I've d/l the Corran Horn model and converted him to sp, but for whatever reason he has his green robe on and I can't figure out how to get rid of it.


Is there anything I can remove in a text editor so that I don't have to d/l milkshape and remove it the hard way?



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in the model_default.skin find the lines







and change them to







that is if the Corran Horn Skin is based on the Tyrion model....



then the robe should be off...

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Did I "trash" the skin? No. I simply stated that it looked an awful lot like an edited Tyrion, which you just stated parts of it ARE.

I also happened to notice that credit was not given to bloodriot or asbath for THEIR contributions to the skin, since a large part of it was drawn by them. Please think before you flame or make accusations.

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Have you read the readme file?

It says "Based on BLoodriot & Absath's Tyrion model".

And yes you did trash on it.


"Wow...a slightly edited and recolored tyrion gets a 5 saber rating. Depressing, isn't it? Makes me wonder if I should even bother making my from-scratch version..."


Depressing...even bother...


If that isn't trashing, I don't know what is.

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Of course it's based on the Tyrion model, it is a given that every skin has to be based upon SOME model, since a skin is pretty useless without something to put it on. And the face doesn't look completely new, it borrows a lot from the Tyrion skin also.

And by the way, you seem to misinterpret what I'm saying. I didn't say the model was "depressing," as a matter of fact the only things I stated about he model were factual. I was referring to it being generally depressing for modelers and skinners when the people downloading them really don't have any conception of the work it takes to make a model or a skin. Most people see little diference between a desaturated reborn skin and an entirely new model w/skinpack, even though one took over a month to make and the other about 3 minutes. Whether you like the Corran Horn model or not, you have to acknowledge the fact that it took less time and effort to make than the Han Solo skin, for example, even though the Han skin has a lower rating and will probably end up with fewer downloads in the end.

I also thought my "why even bother" comment was more of a compliment than an insult. The Corran Horn skin is high quality even though it's not made from scratch, but if I release one too, it probably will be labeled a "copycat" and ignored, despite all the work I put into it. Yes, I could have modified the tyrion skin(which was what I was going to do), but I opted to make a whole new skinpack that will probably be ignored. THAT's what's depressing.

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