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Disable usage of scripts RAVEN!


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hello raven crew... another thing for ur new patch would be disable scripts as that destroys gameplay aswell. for example


everytime i win a blockfight I get kicked caus of they think i use script... "how fun" so I have to pretend that i suck to be able to play? "how fun" did that a few times still got kicked after the blocking heh.


I notice there is uppercut scripts"how fun" i practise like a ****ing mad man to be good at it then some kid can just use this script and viola easy as nothing. "how fun"


and i can go on and on "how fun"


cya good luck with new patch i know ur working on it and really want it perfect this time good luck... u will need some.

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1. There will be no new patch.


2. It's hard to disable them, because it's just the bind command at the console. If you get rid of the bind command, well that just ****s everything up.


3. The best solution would be to not allow any binds with more than one command that contain any of the fire, movement, action or joystick or mouse button commands.

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1. There will be no new patch.


hmm any official statements regarding this?

u mean they dont get enough money to release a patch?

this game is for heaven sake selling like the best gold mine u can find so wtf



3. The best solution would be to not allow any binds with more than one command that contain any of the fire, movement, action or joystick or mouse button commands.


yea sounds good.. or they could just delete those "words" in console how hard is that.caus u can change it in main menu etc anyway. GAWD maybe someone can do a mod and just delete those commands...

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1. More than likely mrlove, he's correct. Sure, there is no official statement that there will be NO more patches (as such a statement can destroy a game :rolleyes: ), but the opposite, that is the fact that they haven't released news of another official patch, has the same effect. :(


2. No, you cannot get rid of the bind command. Moving on...


3. Well, the problem with "deleting those words" from the console is legit game functions make references to these functions throughout its code (yes, I have opened up a few of the little text documents with odd names within the JK2 base directory, and looked :rolleyes: ). Instead, it would be wiser to implement a "block" on external scripts making references to said commands - there's already one that disallows external skin-switching scripts in teamplay games, why not duplicate the process for --censored commands to keep more people from knowing and abusing them--.


Merc out. :fett:

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1. More than likely mrlove, he's correct. Sure, there is no official statement that there will be NO more patches (as such a statement can destroy a game ), but the opposite, that is the fact that they haven't released news of another official patch, has the same effect


Err, I'm new here, but that's scary. On one server several people found a glaring bug on the ctf_yavin map today. It's bad enough where it would ruin gameplay on that map.

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The Inept One: The floating platform bug? Seen it, and since there are no caches of Power Cell Ammo on that map, it's pretty harmless from a sniping point of view beyond a couple shots. :)


But really, if ONE BUG would have yielded the need for a patch in the view of Raven / Lucas Arts, it would have been here long ago. :(


Merc out. :fett:

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Raven has nothing to do with patches. Lucas Arts is the dictating authority on all of that. Raven knows there needs a patch, and took the steps to implement changes as needed. Lucas Arts are the people that feel there is no need for a patch because 'no serious issues have arose' that is the way LA is about all their games. They could give a crap less about gameplay issues. They just want the game to run.

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