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So HOW its is, indeeeeed


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v. 1.5

By George Lucas

Featuring extra material from

Tim Truman,

Ryder Windham,

Mark Schultz,

Terry Brooks,

Patricia C. Wrede,

Jude Watson

Script Expansion by Christopher McElroy (mcelroycg@cableone.net)

The following is based on a screenplay available in the public domain, incorporating material published by Del Rey Books, Marvel Comics Inc., Dark Horse Comics, Scholastic Books, and Highbridge Audio. No copyright infringement is intended. The following is for entertainment purposes only.







TITLE CARD: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the main title, followed by a roll up, which crawls up into infinity...


Episode I



Turmoil has engulfed the

Galactic Republic. The taxation

of trade routes to outlaying star

systems is in dispute.


Hoping to resolve the matter

with a blockade of deadly

battleships, the greedy Trade

Federation has stopped all

shipping to the small planet

of Naboo.


While the congress of the

Republic endlessly debates

this alarming chain of events,

the Supreme Chancellor has

secretly dispatched two Jedi

Knights, the guardians of peace

and justice in the galaxy,

to settle the conflict....


PAN DOWN to reveal a small scarlet space cruiser heading TOWARD CAMERA at great speed. PAN with the cruiser as it heads toward the beautiful green planet of Naboo, which is surrounded by hundreds of massive Trade Federation battleships.


In the cockpit of the cruiser, the CAPTAIN and PILOT maneuver closer to one of the battleships.

QUI-GON: (off screen voice) Captain?

The Captain turns to an unseen figure sitting behind her.

CAPTAIN: Yes, sir?

QUI-GON: (V.O) Tell them we wish to board at once.

CAPTAIN: Yes, sir.

The Captain looks to her view screen, where NUTE GUNRAY, a Neimoidian trade viceroy, waits for a reply.

CAPTAIN: (cont'd) With all due respect for the Trade Federation, the Ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately.

NUTE: Yes, yes, of course...ahhh...as you know, our blockade is perfectly legal, and we'd be happy to receive the Ambassador...Happy to.

The screen goes black. Out the cockpit window, the sinister battleship looms ever closer. The robed figure steps back, to the side of another, similarly robed figure.

QUI-GON: Why Naboo? Why this small world, when there are so many others more important?

The other figure offers no answer. Qui-Gon turns to the Captain.

QUI-GON: Contact the Chancellor and inform him that we have arrived. CAPTAIN: Yes, sir.


The small space cruiser docks in the enormous main bay of the Federation battleship. A few BATTLE DROIDS and giant STARFIGHTER DROIDS watch silently.


A PROTOCOL DROID, TC-14, waits at the door to the docking bay. The door opens, and the Republic cruiser can be seen in the docking bay. The two brown-robed figures are greeted by TC-14.

TC-14: I'm TC-14 at your service. This way, please.

They move off down the hallway.


A door slides open, and the two cloaked shapes are led PAST CAMERA into the formal conference room by TC-14.

TC-14: I hope your honored sirs will be most comfortable here. My master will be with you shortly.

The droid bows before OBI-WAN KENOBI and QUI- GON JINN. She backs out the door and it closes. The JEDI lower their hoods and look out a large window at the lush green planet of Naboo. Qui-Gon is sixty years old, has long flowing brown hair and a graying goatee. He is tall and striking, with blue eyes. Obi-Wan is twenty-five, with very short brown hair, a braid of hair down one side of his head, pale skin, and blue eyes.

OBI-WAN: I have a bad feeling about this.

QUI-GON: I don't sense anything.

OBI-WAN: It's not about the mission, Master. It's something...elsewhere...elusive...

QUI-GON: Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs.

OBI-WAN: But Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future...

QUI-GON: ...but not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the Living Force, my young Padawan.

OBI-WAN: Yes, Master. (pause) How do you think the trade viceroy will deal with the Chancellor's demands?

QUI-GON: These Federation types are cowards. The negotiations will be short.


A large, dark control room, run by NEIMOIDIANS wearing goggles and masks. Nute Gunray (an elaborately dressed Neimoidian) and DAULTAY DOFINE (wearing a Captain’s uniform) stand stunned before TC-14.

NUTE: (shaken) What?!? What did you say?

TC-14: The Ambassadors are Jedi Knights, I believe.

DOFINE: I knew it! They were sent to force a settlement, eh. Blind me, we're done for! NUTE: Stay calm! I’ll wager the Senate isn’t aware of the Supreme Chancellor’s moves here. Go distract them. I will contact Lord Sidious. DOFINE: Are you brain dead? I’m not going in there with two Jedi! Send the droid.

Dofine turns to TC-14, who lets out a squeaky sigh.


Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are sitting at the large conference table. The door to the conference room slides open, and TC-14 enters with a tray of drinks and food.

OBI-WAN: Is it in their nature to make us wait this long? QUI-GON: No…I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute.

Obi-Wan takes a drink.


Nute, Dofine, and RUNE HAAKO are before the hologram of DARTH SIDIOUS, a dark-robed figure whose face is obscured by a hood.

DARTH SIDIOUS: What is it? NUTE: The Chancellor has sent ambassadors to force a settlement. They are…Jedi!! DARTH SIDIOUS: (a reverent whisper) Jedi? Are you sure? NUTE: They have been identified, My Lord. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. DOFINE: This scheme of yours has failed, Lord Sidious. The blockade is finished! We dare not go against the Jedi. DARTH SIDIOUS: You seem more worried about the Jedi than you are of me, Dofine. I am amused. Viceroy!

Nute, looking very nervous, steps forward.

NUTE: Yes, My Lord? DARTH SIDIOUS: I don’t want this stunted slime in my sight again…do you understand? NUTE: Yes, My Lord.

Nute gives Dofine a fierce look, and Dofine, terrified, rushes off the bridge.

DARTH SIDIOUS: This turn of events is unfortunate. We must accelerate our plans, Viceroy. Begin landing your troops. NUTE: Ahhh, My Lord, is that…legal? DARTH SIDIOUS: I will MAKE it legal. NUTE: And…the Jedi?? DARTH SIDIOUS: The Chancellor should have never brought them into this. Kill them immediately. NUTE: Ye…yes, My Lord. As you wish.

The hologram vanishes.


In the cockpit of the cruiser, the Captain and pilot look up and see a gun turret emerge from the hangar’s ceiling, swing around and point directly at them.



The battleship gun fires. The Republic cruiser EXPLODES.


Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan leap to a standing position with their laser swords drawn. TC-14 jumps back, startled, spilling the drinks on its’ tray.

TC-14: Ahhhh…sorry, sir. The Viceroy…

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan listen intently. A faint hissing sound can be heard.

QUI-GON: Dioxis!

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan turn off their laser swords and each take a sudden deep breath and hold it. The room fills with yellow smoke.


A hologram of Nute, surrounded by battle droids, appears in the conference room hallway.

NUTE: They must be dead by now. Destroy what is left of them.

The hologram fades off.

BATTLE DROID: Check it out, Corporal. We’ll cover you. BATTLE DROID (OWO-1): Roger roger.

The battle droid, OWO-1, cautiously opens the door. A deadly yellow cloud billows from the room. Battle droids cock their weapons as a figure stumbles out of the smoke. It is TC-14, carrying the tray of drinks.

TC14: Oh, excuse me, I’m so sorry…

The protocol droid passes the armed camp just as two flashing laser swords fly out of the deadly fog, cutting down several battle droids before they can fire.

BATTLE DROID: Uh oh…. blast them!


The bridge is a cacophony of alarms. Nute and Rune watch OWO-1 on the viewscreen.

OWO-1: Something is wrong, Viceroy. Not sure exactly what...

OWO-1 is suddenly cut in half in mid-sentence. Rune gives Nute a worried look.

NUTE: What in blazes is going on down there? They can’t still be alive!

TEY HOW: We’ve lost the transmission, sir! RUNE: Have you ever encountered a Jedi Knight before, sir?

NUTE: Well, not exactly, but I don't...(panicked) Seal off the bridge! TEY HOW: Yes, sir!

RUNE: That won't be enough.

The doors to the bridge SLAM shut.

NUTE: I want droidekas up here at once!!!

RUNE: We will not survive this.


Qui-Gon cuts several battle droids in half, creating a shower of sparks and metal parts. Obi-Wan raises his hand, sending several battle droids crashing into the wall.

Qui-Gon makes his way to the bridge door and begins to cut through it.


The CREW is very nervous as sparks start flying around the bridge door. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are on the view screen.

NUTE: Close the blast doors!!!

The huge, very thick blast door slams shut, followed by a second door, then a third. There is a hissing sound as the huge doors seal shut. Qui-Gon stabs the door with his sword. The screen goes black as a red spot appears in the center of the blast door.

RUNE: They're still coming through!

On the door, chunks of molten metal begin to drop away.

NUTE: Impossible!! This is impossible!!

RUNE: Where are those droidekas?!?


Two ugly destroyer WHEEL DROIDS roll down the hallway at full speed. Just before they get to the bridge area, they stop and transform into their battle configuration.


QUI-GON: Offhand, I'd say this mission is past the negotiation stage.

The wheel droids rush the entry area, blasting away with their laser guns. The Jedi block the bolts with their lightsabers, but the bolts rebound off the blue, bubble-like shields protecting the droids. The laser bolts hit ceiling, walls, and floor.

OBI-WAN: They have shield generators!

QUI-GON: It's a standoff! Let's go!

The droids stop firing and stand in a semi-circle as the smoke clears. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are nowhere to be seen.

P-59: Switch to bio...There they are!

The Jedi materialize at the far end of the hallway and dash through a doorway that slams shut. The wheel droids blast away at the doorway.


Nute and Rune stand on the bridge, watching the view screen as the wheel droids’ POV speeds to the doorway.

RUNE: We have them on the run, sir...they're no match for droidekas.

TEY HOW: Sir, they've gone up the ventilation shaft.


Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan appear at a large vent in a giant hangar bay. They are careful not to be seen. Thousands of battle droids are loading onto landing craft, along with HOVER TANKS and TROOP TRANSPORTS.

QUI-GON: Battle droids.

OBI-WAN: It's an invasion army.

QUI-GON: This is an odd play for the Trade Federation. We've got to warn the Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum. OBI-WAN: We’d better do it somewhere besides here. QUI-GON: Maybe we can hitch a ride with our friends down there. OBI-WAN: It’s the least they can do, after the way they’ve treated us so far. QUI-GON: Let's split up. Stow aboard separate ships and meet down on the planet. Keep in touch by comlink.

OBI-WAN: You were right about one thing, Master. (smirks) The negotiations were short.


TEY HOW receives a transmission.

TEY HOW: Sir, a transmission from the planet.

On the view screen, fourteen-year-old QUEEN AMIDALA appears in her throne room. Wearing her elaborate headdress, ghost-white face paint and robes, she sits surrounded by the GOVERNING COUNCIL and FOUR HANDMAIDENS -- EIRTAE, YANE, RABE, and SACHE.

RUNE: It's Queen Amidala herself.

NUTE: At last we are getting results. (to the Queen) Again you come before me, Your Highness. The Federation is pleased.

AMIDALA: You will not be pleased when you hear what I have to say, Viceroy. Your trade boycott of our planet has ended.

Nute smirks at Rune.

NUTE: Oh? I was not aware of such a failure.

AMIDALA: I have word that the Senate is finally voting on this blockade of yours.

NUTE: (sarcastic) I take it you know the outcome, then. Sometimes I wonder why they bother to vote at all.

AMIDALA: Enough of this pretense, Viceroy! I'm aware the Chancellor's Ambassadors are with you now, and that you have been commanded to reach a settlement. What is it to be?

NUTE: I know nothing about any Ambassadors...you must be mistaken.

Amidala, surprised at his reaction, studies him carefully.

AMIDALA: Beware, Viceroy.... the Federation has gone too far this time.

NUTE: Your Highness, we would never do anything without the approval of the Senate. You assume too much.

AMIDALA: We will see.

The Queen fades off, and the view screen goes black.

RUNE: She's right, the Senate will never....

NUTE: It's too late now. The attack is underway.

RUNE: Do you think she suspects an attack?

NUTE: I don't know, but I don’t want to take any chances. We must move quickly to disrupt all communications down there.


Establishing shot of Naboo – a beautiful, lush paradise of a world. Perched on a cliffside and bisected by a river leading to a waterfall, the City of Theed is ornate, with classical, rounded lines. A giant, regal-looking palace towers over the city, rising from the cliffside. Several birds fly across the dawn skies.


The Queen, her robed handmaidens Eirtae and Sache, and Governor SIO BIBBLE sit before a hologram of SENATOR PALPATINE, a thin, kindly man, fifty years of age. Also with them is the COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS (seated in a circular pattern around the Queen’s throne), a trio of GUARDS, and CAPTAIN PANAKA of the Royal Security Force.

PALPATINE: ...How could that be true? I have assurances from the Chancellor...his Ambassadors did arrive. It must be the...get...negotiate...bassadors…

The hologram of Palpatine sputters and fades away.

AMIDALA: Senator Palpatine?!? (turns to Panaka) What's happening?

Captain Panaka turns to his SARGEANT.

CAPT. PANAKA: Check the transmission generators.

The Sargeant pulls out a comlink and speaks into it. Bibble has a suspicious look on his face.

BIBBLE: A malfunction?

CAPT. PANAKA: (he’s thinking the same thing Bibble is) It could be the Federation jamming us, Your Highness.

BIBBLE: A communications disruption can mean only one thing. Invasion.

AMIDALA: Don't jump to conclusions, Governor. The Federation would not dare go that far.

CAPT. PANAKA: The Senate would revoke their trade franchise, and they'd be finished.

AMIDALA: We must continue to rely on negotiation.

BIBBLE: Negotiation? We've lost all communications! And where are the Chancellor’s ambassadors? How can we negotiate? We must prepare to defend ourselves.

CAPT. PANAKA: (nods) This is a dangerous situation, Your Highness. Our security volunteers will be no match against a battle-hardened Federation army.

Amidala stares stiffly and coldly at the two men.

AMIDALA: I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.


Six giant landing craft, escorted closely by droid starfighters, launch from the lead Federation battleship and fly in formation toward the surface of the planet Naboo.


Three landing craft slowly descend through the cloud cover of the perpetually gray twilight side of the planet. The starfighters split off and fly into the distance.

One of the landing craft begins to slow, wobbling in mid-air. At the bottom of the craft, a lightsaber blade shines as it cuts through the metal hull. A man-sized hole is opened, and Obi-Wan leaps out and dives smoothly into a lake. The landing craft plows into the swampy ground nearby, smoking and breaking off a wing.

One by one, the Federation warships land in the eerie swamp. Battle droids riding on STAPs (flying, armed one-man hovercraft) are first out of the ships as the main doors open.

Obi-Wan’s head emerges from the mud of the shallow lake. Far in the background, the activities of the invasion force can be seen in the mist. Obi-Wan takes several deep breaths, then disappears again under the muddy swamp. Giant brown Troop Transports (MTT's) emerge from the landing craft, looking like mechanical versions of elephants.


The MTTs move out of the landing craft and onto the ground. OOM-9, in his tank, looks out over the vast ARMY of MTTs rolling across the swampy plains and into the forests. A small hologram of Rune and Nute appears on the tank before the droid.

OOM-9: Yes, Viceroy? RUNE: We have searched the ship, and there is no trace of the Jedi. They may have gotten onto one of your landing craft.

OOM-9: If they’re down here, sir, we'll find them. We are moving out of the swamp and are marching on the cities. We are meeting no resistance.

NUTE: Excellent. Use caution – these Jedi are not to be underestimated.


Qui-Gon runs through the strange landscape, glancing back to see the monstrous troop transports emerging from the mist. Animals large and small begin to run past him in a panic. It becomes a stampede as one of the huge MTT’s moves in Qui-Gon’s direction, smashing through trees, trying to run him down.

An odd, frog-like Gungan, JAR-JAR BINKS, squats on the ground holding a clam he has retrieved from the murky swamp. The shell pops open. Jar-Jar’s great tongue snaps out and grabs the clam, swallowing it in one gulp.

Jar-Jar looks up and sees Qui-Gon and the other creatures running like the wind toward him. The MTT bears down on the Jedi like a charging locomotive. Jar-Jar stands transfixed, eyes growing wide, still holding the clamshell in one hand.

JAR-JAR: Oh noooooooooo!

Qui-Gon sees him, and waves at him frantically to get out of the way.

QUI-GON: Get out of the way! MOVE!!

Jar-Jar drops the shell and grabs onto Qui-Gon as he passes. The Jedi is caught by surprise.

JAR-JAR: (Cont'd) Hey, help me! Help me!!

QUI-GON: Let go!

The machine is about to crush them as Qui-Gon drags Jar-Jar before him. Just as the transport is about to hit them, Qui-Gon drops, and Jar-Jar goes splat into the mud with him. The transport rumbles overhead, then continues on through the swamp.

Qui-Gon and Jar-Jar pull themselves out of the mud. They stand watching the war machine disappear into the mist. Qui-Gon begins to move off.

JAR-JAR: Whatsa dat…hey, wait!!

Jar-Jar grabs Qui-Gon and hugs him.

JAR-JAR: Oyi, mooie-mooie! I luv you!

The frog-like creature kisses the Jedi with his long tongue. Qui-Gon recoils in disgust.

QUI-GON: You almost got us killed! Are you brainless?!?

JAR-JAR: I spake.

QUI-GON: The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here!

Qui-Gon starts to move off again, and Jar-Jar follows.

JAR-JAR: No, no! Mesa stay! Mesa culled JaJaBinkss. Mesa yous humble servaunt.

QUI-GON: That won’t be necessary.

JAR-JAR: Oh boot it tis! Tis demunded byda guds, it tis. Tis a live debett, tis.

In the distance, two STAPS burst out of the mist at high speed, chasing Obi-Wan.

QUI-GON: (pushing Jar-Jar away) I have no time for this now...

JAR-JAR: Say what?

The two STAPS barrel down on Obi-Wan. Jar-Jar finally sees them, and panics again.

JAR-JAR: (cont'd) Oh, nooooo! Wesa ganna....

Qui-Gon throws Jar-Jar into the mud as he grabs his lightsaber from his belt.

QUI-GON: Stay down!

Jar-Jar’s head pops up.

JAR-JAR: ...dieeee!

The two droid troops fire laser bolts at Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon deflects the bolts back, and the STAPS blow up. One-two. A chunk of one droid flies far into the forest. Obi-Wan is exhausted and tries to catch his breath.

OBI-WAN: Sorry, Master. The water fried my weapon.

Obi-Wan pulls out his burnt laser sword handle. Qui-Gon inspects it.

QUI-GON: You forgot to turn your power off again, didn't you?

Obi-Wan nods sheepishly.

QUI-GON: (cont'd) It won't take long to recharge, but this is a lesson I hope you've learned, my young Padawan.

OBI-WAN: Yes, Master.

Jar-Jar pulls himself out of the mud and looks at Obi-Wan, then at Qui-Gon.

JAR-JAR: Oh, yousa saved my again!

OBI-WAN: What's this?

QUI-GON: A local. Let's get out of here, before more droids show up.

JAR-JAR: More? More, did you spake??!?

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon start to run. Jar-Jar tries to keep up.

JAR-JAR: (cont'd) Ex-squeeeeze me, but da most grande safest place would be Otoh Gunga City. Tis where I grew up...Tis a hidden city.

They all stop.

QUI-GON: A city? JAR-JAR: Uh-huh! QUI-GON: Could you take us there?

JAR-JAR: (face falls) Ahhh...on second taut...no, not really, no.

QUI-GON: (sharply) No??!

JAR-JAR: Iss embarrissing, boot, ah... My afraid my've benn banished. My forgoten der Bosses would do terrible tings to me --Terrible tings to me if me goin’ back dere!

A PULSATING, RUMBLING SOUND is heard in the distance.

QUI-GON: You hear that?

Jar-Jar tilts his head, holding one of his two long ears up.

JAR-JAR: Yeah.

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