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Duel_SE MOD, check it out


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yeah i know, thx anyway. i already tried to contact him got no answer. thats a common procedure it seems. i saw many good mods and sent some emails but few answers and no real action yet. thats why i made the web site, so people know what the goals are and we can keep track of the changes there, so we dont forget what and where we changed or added something. we hehe currently i have just one dude who is reliable but he cant code like me. and the ones who can are not interessted it seems...

but i keep trying.

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wow i managed to make force regenerate faster if the saber is holstered. so i put g_forceregentime to 2000 and if i holster the saber it is 0. but during private duels it cant be holstered...hehe

so force usement gets more tactical. but the thing is, i still cant get force to work in private duels besides throw and push if a saber block accured.

starting in line 556

	//Dueling fighters cannot use force powers on others, with the exception of force push when locked with each other
if ((attacker && attacker->client && attacker->client->ps.duelInProgress) && (forceduels.integer == 0))
	return 0;

if ((other && other->client && other->client->ps.duelInProgress) && (forceduels.integer == 0))
	return 0;

return 1;

i dont know why it wont work, i already tried just commenting the code out but with no effect! pleas help me anyone! i also have a force amount variable now. it adds the specified ammount to the force pool, but if its a negative value it bounces back to the max ammount every time the regeneration bar hits its max...weired.

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