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My first saber in the works!!!


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Hey guys...


Working on my very first model ever here and wanted to do something simple just to learn the ropes. Still having a bit of trouble mapping it. If anyone knows of some good mapping tuts, let me know so maybe afterward I can move on to bigger and better models. Anyway, tell me what you think...


copy and paste guys!


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The polycount is at 528 right now... in gmax, I went to the "smooth" option and it turned chunky like that. Either way it doesnt seem to effect the polycount though... Will it matter much ingame?


thanks for the link btw Lord -=[FBF]=-... I'll check that out!

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it wont make that much difference, but it might look nicer if u increase the number of sides on the cylinders, giving a more rounded effect. ie, use 10 or 12 sides instead of 6.u have plenty of polys to play wiv, may as well use em, i've done a 1100 poly hilt and that runs fine, and a mate has done a 16000 poly model as practise and that also runs fine ingame.

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well, u have plenty of polys to play wiv, so u could always add a few sides to the cylinders, maybe 10 or 12 sides each instead of 6, to make it more rounded. however, i think it looks kindof kool all chunky, so u could always leave it how it is...



[edit: oops, dual post!! i fort the forum hadnt posted the above post (browser probs) so rewrote it. doh!!!]

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Lord -=[FBF]=-, question for you... I'm really diggin your tut, but I'm stuck on the part of unwelding the vertexes. Do you have to unweld each one and move them apart seprately to form each part? If so, how do you unweld each vertex from the particular vertex your after? Crazy! Maybe I'm just missing something... hrm

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