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The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.


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Thanks, Rich, for your help. I created an entirely new map, placed the table, then placed the entities. They still wouldn't show up after compiling. I reinstalled JKII/1.04 Patch/Tools. NOW they're showing up.


I still cannot left click in the 3d window. I noticed when I right-click just slightly off center in the window, the brush moves slowly. If I click any more than say a half-inch off center, the brush moves around the axis very fast. Hope it's a XP thing that I can resolve by moving to Win2k.


Also, I still have to create a brush first and then double-click an entity to turn the brush into that entity - even a simple light entity. I verified that I'm using the same version of JK2Radiant that's on your site for d/l. XP problem again? I wouldn't think so, but whudda I know - I'm just a nooB. :)


I'm curious to know how long it takes to compile a finished level. Simply asking how long it takes is an impossible question to answer. So I ask you this:


How long did it take you to compile the finished Kamino map, and what processor were you using? If you don't remember the exact time, a close estimate will do. This way, I can kind of estimate how long it will take a similarly sized/similarly complex map. Thanks!

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For a lift thing u said to put func_plat but it only works as a lift if u stand on it and i want it to go up every 5-10 seconds is it posible to do that? Thanks

Automatically? I suppose you could target a trigger_always at a func_timer at a func_plat... it would be much easier in scripting, but then you'd need to learn ICARUS (and would be assuming you were making a SP map).


My problem is all the dead bodies are still there at the bottom of my map.

Just make it a really long drop. :D


I tried the system/cushion shader but that doesn't seem to completly do the trick.

Should... just make sure the player's body will fall directly on the cushion shader and doesn't hit anything in between.


I noticed when I right-click just slightly off center in the window, the brush moves slowly. If I click any more than say a half-inch off center, the brush moves around the axis very fast. Hope it's a XP thing that I can resolve by moving to Win2k.

That's just a regular option in Preferences. Find where it says 3D View Sensitivity and lower the slider bar.


I still have to create a brush first and then double-click an entity to turn the brush into that entity - even a simple light entity.

Hrm... what does it do if you deselect everything and then try to just..right-click and make an entity? Do you get an error? Or just nothing happens?


How long did it take you to compile the finished Kamino map, and what processor were you using?

40 minutes, with a Pentium III 800. The only reason it took so long was because there is a lot of lighting on patches, done via light-emitting shaders. When I just had a simple spotlight shining down in the center, it was a little over 2 minutes.


i find the files and there have the winzip sign on them when i double click on any of them they still show a box in teh 3D view and not the obj say the bench

Do not ever select model files in the browser window. You must enter the paths manually in JK2Radiant.

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N/m. i solved it myself. The last reply from me like erase it i don't need any help with it any more!!! Thanks all of you how helped me and when i am done with my endor map i will be sure to add you guys/girls in my credits. You guys kick ASS. RichDiesal


your the man! the tut was is working great and my maps should be done soon. I bet i will have more questions so keep a look out



Thanks all!!!!!!!!!!

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Get this Rich - A question that I *HAVENT* seen covered anywhere else yet...


I've noticed a few textured here and there that look like they could easilly be a large door or some such. However, the textures are only ONE SIDE of a trek-style door. So, the question follows (to me anyway) Is there a way to MIRROR a texture in the editor? Not just flop it 180 degrees, you understand, ,but make it appear as if a mirror were being held up to it?

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So, the question follows (to me anyway) Is there a way to MIRROR a texture in the editor?

I have heard that there is, but I've never gotten it to work myself. For Kamino, I simply...made a mirrored texture. :D (platformjpeg and platformjpeg_mirror I think).


Radiant does this because of the way it does tiling... imagine a large round room. Place the same tiled texture on the inside walls of that room. Now, any texture placed in your map must match the orientation of the textures placed on the identally oriented walls of the round room. If you can think a bit theoretically, that'll make sense. :D


When i goto the main menu, it shows up in the list, but when i try to load the map, it kicks me back to the main menu? What did i do?!?

That typically happens if your levelshot is written incorrectly. Make sure it's the correct format/size.

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I need help... Making a Big Ball of Water. :p


I made a cone into a dome, then flipped it. I then had two cones-a sphere.


I textured the two with a bespin water texture and compiled.


In the game it looked like some "Grid" ball, which I couldn't swim in.


In the Darkball map for the mod Hydroball, he created a ball of water-so I know it is possible.


Thanks in advance,


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(sorry, a bit of a brain cramp there...)

I assume this means you got it working? :D


I made a cone into a dome, then flipped it. I then had two cones-a sphere.

Mmm, nope. You can't have an actual sphere of water. The engine just doesn't do that. You can, however, have an almost round shaped BRUSH of water. That's about as close as you're gonna get though.

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Rich, while I was mesing around with my map, I ran across a lead on the mirror texture issue...


I had made a set of doors and textured them, then started copying and pasting them into a number of doorways I was working on. When I rotated one, then looked at the textures in the editor, the texture on one door was mirrored.


I opened up the surface inspector to see if there was any oddities in the settings for that texture, and I saw something that MAY be a lead - the angle setting was NEGATIVE.


I havent had any success deliberately mirroring using that yet, and as soon as you use the FIT feature, it went away... but it's more than we knew before!

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Anyone know how to fix this error :


WARNING : GeneratePermanentShader MAX_SHADERS (1024) hit (overflowed by 1,2,3,4,5,etc)


RE_AddPolyToScene Null Poly Shader


This only occurs if I compile with lighting. I have adjusted the size of the lightgrid as well as my map was too big.


I have tried removing textures and shaders but it doesn't help. If this is the case, how do I find out how many I must remove.


Thanks a lot



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